七年级英语上册第一单元教案及测试题 附答案

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核心词组】flag 国旗 to plan 开始计划。

holidays 暑假 not 为何不。

one's wings 展翅高飞

coasts on three sides 三面有海岸

skiing 去滑雪 central france 在法国中部

crops 种植庄稼 as 例如。

most scenic areas 景色最优美的风景区

loire valley 卢瓦尔河谷

to do sth 过去常常做某事

of the most beautiful cities 最美丽的城市之一

attractions 著名的景点

fiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔

arc de triomphe 凯旋门

hour from 距离。一小时的路程

same ..as 与。相同的

famous for 因。而著名

and culture 艺术与文化

festivals 电影节。

and concerts 展览和**会

24. better understand 更好的理解。

知识备忘】1.go skiing 去滑雪。

2.call v. 呼叫 ;召唤 call sb 呼唤某人;给某人**。

eg: call me tomorrow morning.

〖拓展〗call on 拜访。

i will call on tina this evening.

3. plan v. 计划,打算,安排 (过去式:planned 现在分词:planning)

plan sth 为…制定计划。

plan to do sth 计划去做某事。

例句:we are planning a trip to france this summer holiday.

they plan to arrive there after two o’clock.

n. 安排,计划。

make a plan for 为…制定计划。

例句:we can't change our plans now.

we need to make plans for the future.

拓展〗plan on 打算。

plan to do sth 计划做某事。

4.used to do sth 过去常常做某事(现在不做了,只用于过去时)

eg: kings and queens used to live in the old castles there .

he used to drink coffee in the morning.

拓展〗be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事(现在还这样做,可用于现在、过去、将来时态中)he will be used to getting up early.

be used to do sth 被用来做某事。

wood can be used to make *****.

5.provide 提供; **。

eg: on sundays my mother provided dinner as well as breakfast .

provide sth 提供某物。

拓展〗 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物。

eg: the hotel will provide breakfast.

the school provided food for the students

the school provided the stu

6. be similar to 与……相似 , 和……很像。

…the same as… 和…一样。

be different form 与…不同。

eg: my bike is similar to yours 我的自行车和你差不多。

she is the same height as you.

my coat is different from yours.

拓展〗be similar to 用法广泛。

look like 只指视觉上相似。

eg: kate is similar to mary .

kate likes studying and mary likes studying as well .

lucy looks like lily .we usually mistake them for each other.

not do sth ……为什么不做某事。

类似提建议句型:why don’t you do…? what about doing…? how about doing…?

eg: why not cross the street ?

why don’t you cross the street?

8. be famous for 以。而著名类似于be well-known for

be famous as 作…为而著名; 以……身份而出名。

be famous to 对…来说是出名的。

gulin is famous for its beautiful scenery.

luxun is famous as a writer.

the great wall is famous to all of us.

9 defeat v. 打败;击败。

辨析:defeat 意为“打败,战胜”,后跟表示人或集体的名词。

win 意为“赢,获胜”,后通常跟表示活动或事件的名词。

例句:we played very well, and we defeated no. 3 middle school.

tom can win the 100-metre-race.

10. spread v. 伸开,伸展过去式:spread

spread one’s wings 展开翅膀

例句:we can spread our wings and fly away.

11. such as 举例通常放在所列举的事物前面。

for example 例如常用逗号与前后隔开。

例句:some students such as mary and lisa like to watch tv.

i like eating fruit , for example, apples, oranges and so on.

12. one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数 …中最…之一。

haikou is one of the most beautiful cities in china.

13. offer v. 提供。

offer sth 提供某物。

offer sb sth (主动,自愿)提供给某人某物。

offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人。

例句:window of the world offers miniature scenic attractions of the world.

will you offer the guest some tea?


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