
发布 2020-09-18 03:29:28 阅读 2395






1. wang nan is f___china.

2. my mother is a d___

3. song xiu is at school. she is a s___

4. -is she maria?

no, she isn't. h___name is jane.


1are they from?

they are from tokyo.

a. what b. where c. who d. how

2. chengdu is___sichuan.

a. in b. from c. /d. to

3. -who is this?

a. that is rose b. this is rose c. i'm rose d. he is rose

4name is jack.

a. he b. her c. his d. you

5. -are you from germany?

a. yes, i am b. no, i am c. yes, i'm not d. no, he isn't

6. i live in(住在)

shenyangmy father __mother are in shanghai now.

a. and; but b. but; but c. and; and d. but; and

it's here.

a. where are you from b. where is beijing c. who is it d. how are you


a. welcome b. welcome to c. please to d. meet to


1. they, from, are, england

2. she, from, where, is

3. his, is, chongqing, family, in

4. student, a, is, she

5. i, not, from, am, new york


jane: hello.

zhou hua: (1i'm zhou hua. (2)__you ellen?

jane: no, (3)__not.

zhou hua: what's (4name?

jane: (5name's jane.

zhou hua: are you from england?

jane: no, i'm (6

zhou hua: (7are you from?

jane: i'm (8)__canada. and you?

zhou hua: i'm (9)__shanghai.

jane: where is shanghai?

zhou hua: it's (10)__china.


1. good evening.

a. fine, thank you.

2. where is zhuzhou?

b. good morning.

3. what's her name?

c. he is from japan.

4. how do you do?

d. it's in hunan.

5. good morning.

e. nice to meet you, too.

6. how are you?

f. good evening.

7. where is he from?

g. her name is wang lan.

8. are they from tonghua?

h. how do you do?

9. is she jane?

i. yes, they are.

10. nice to meet you.

j. no, she isn't.


1. -这是谁?--是王琳。

wang lin.

2. -他来自哪儿?--他来自长春。



my fatherand my mother


pleasewith me.

5. -芝加哥在哪儿?--在美国。

chicagothe usa.



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