
发布 2020-09-18 06:41:28 阅读 3322


姓名: 分数:



1.your family name is moore, and what’s your f name?

2.can you fill in your own id c ?

3.tony wants to ask you three q .

4.l ! that’s an english book.

5.this is a boy. hname is bruce.

6.your telephone nis 422-2785.

7.there are sdays in a week.

8.you can know the time by your watch or c

9.eleven g students are in the classroom. there are no boys.

10.what’s your a


1.i’m a singer andi) name’s dale.

2.isshe) book new?

3.it’s nicemeet) you.

4.letwe)learn and read english.

5.what’s theboy) name?

6.hisone) name is jones.

7.six and eightbe) fourteen.

8.in the small village(村子), there are only ninefamily) now.

9.how areyour)?

10.can youanswer) the question.


)1.-what’s your telephone number?

a.i’m b.it c.it’s d.is it

)2.-is that a ruler?

-noa.it is b.it isn’t c.that is d.that isn’t

)3.all theh**eown meanings.

a.name, its b.names, its c.name, their d.names, their

)4.the girl’s name is maria schuartz, so hername’s maria.

a.last b.family c.first d.mother

)5.each of the students under 15 years old doesn’t h**eid card.

a.an b.the c.any d.a

)6.please listen andthe nice pictures.

a.numbers b.meets c.look d.number

)7.that’s a girl. her name is

a.wang xiaoling b.wang xiao ling

c.wang xiaoling d.wang xiao ling

)8a list of the boys’ names and the girls’ names.

a.take b.make c.writes d.do

)9.let’sthe name game.

a.sing b.work c.play d.dance

)10.-thank you very much.

a.no thanks b.thank you. c.not at all d.that’s right



1.his name is tom.(对划线部分提问)

his name?

2.james is fine.(对划线部分提问)


3.i’m jenny.(改为同义句)

is jenny.

4.linda’s telephone number is 605-4279.(改为一般疑问句)


5.name, is, family, lucy’s, read.(连词成句)



can you








jim: hello. (1

li lei: hello. my name is li lei. and what’s your name?

jim: (2nice to meet you.

li lei: (3

jim: (4

li lei: it’s 37916542. (5

jim: it is 37246510.


my (1) is lucy. i’m a (2) .i’m (3) .

i’m (4) now. my teacher is a (5) .her name is wang pei.

she is an (6) teacher. d**id is my friend. he is english.

he is fourteen. d**id and i (7) in class 3, grade1. i am (8) number i in row 2.

he is in the same row. his english is (9) .he has(有) a parrot.

(10) name is polly.

)1.a.name b.number c.class d.row

)2.a.man b.woman c.girl d.boy

)3.a.japan b.china c.american d.america

)4.a.at the school b.at school c.in the school d.good

)5.a.boy b.man c.english d.woman

)6.a.japanese b.english c.chinese d.good

)7.a.are b.am c.is d.be

)8.a.in b.at c.× d.on

)9.a.well b.ok c.good d.fine

)10.a.it’s b.its c.it is d.its


a)julia’s chinese name is liu min, she is in class 6 and her telephone number is 756-4321. she has a brother, his name is adam. he is a tall boy, he has(有) some good friends at school.

julia and her brother like apples very much. julia’s f**ourite colour is white, but adam likes black. black is his f**ourite colour.

they are in china(中国) now, their chinese teacher is miss wang. she is a good teacher.


)1.adam has a chinese name.

)2.miss li is an english teacher.

)3.adam is julia’s brother.

)4.julia is tall.

)5.julia likes white and adam likes black.


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