
发布 2020-08-18 14:31:28 阅读 3419




一、 听录音,选出句中所含有的单词,将序号填入题前的括号内,听两遍。(10分)

( )1. a. hat b. h**e c. has d. h**ing

( )2. a. park b. party c. part d. past

( )3. a. with b. which c. white d. where

( )4. a. by b. buy c. bye d. be

( )5. a. can b. can’t c. candles d. cannot

( )6. a. you’ll b. yours c. your d. you

( )7. a. walking b. talking c. ****** d. taking

( )8. a. wants b. went c. want d. what

( )9. a. looking b. looks c. looked d. look

( )10. a. smoking b. smoke c. smokes d. smoked

二、 听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f”,听两遍。(12分)

三、 听录音,完成下列句子,每空一词,听三遍。(8分)

1. todayis a running after school.

2. su yang wants to some in the sports .

3are thethey’re in my .

4balls are there? there are .

5. –hello, i to gao shan?

--hello, this is gao shan .

6. –what do you go to school?

about seven .



( )1. a. yes b. isc. amd. are

( )2. a. under b. inc. isd. at

( )3. a. what b. who c. that d. how

( )4. a. give b. blow c. will d. take

( )5. a. park b. zooc. cage d. cinema

( )6. a. january b. friday c. may d. match

( )7. a. orange b. banana c. cake d. apple

)8. a. basketball b. football c. volleyball d. play

( )9. a. mother b. sister c. tiger d. father

( )camera b. computer c. present d. radio

四、 汉英词组互译。(17分)

1. 公共标志2.禁止乱扔垃圾。


4. 在1月1日

5. 在周一下午

6. 散步7.放学后。

8. 一份生日礼物。

9. 3月1日10.什么日期。

11. don’t make away from

13. the twenty-first of may about

15. as a off the costume

17. a vcd of chinese cartoons


) 1. we study at schoolmondayfriday.

a. to; to b. to; and c. from; to

) 2. the present isme.

a. atb. forc. to

) 3.—i like music very much.

a. yes, i do. b. me, to. c. sorry, i’m busy now.

) 4. i can’t seebirds in the tree.

a. someb. anyc. an

) 5. i h**e a lot of

a. a knife b. knives c. knifes

) 6. helen often helps

a. meb. my c. mine

) 7. look , jack issomething on the grass.

a. looks for b. looking for c. look for

) 8. what color is the camera ?

a. three yuan b. red c. a red

) 9. we’ll learnfrom our teacher.

a. many b. a lot c. a lot of

) 10. do you like thatsong?

a. america b. american c. a american


1. -is thisshe ) bag?

--no, it’sme) bag.

2. there areyou) glasses on the table. please put __

(they) there.

3. there are eightbus).

4. wherebe) his football?

5be) these your apples?

--no, theybe).

6. mydiary) were not on the desk.

7. jim and ibe) in the sameclass) two year ago.

8. -whatdo) this sign mean?

--itmean) ‘nopark)’.

9. –what are you doing?


一 listening test 听力部分 listen and choose 选择所听内容,将其字母序号写入括号内 5分 listen and choose 听录音,找出合适的应答句 10分 listen and choose 根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案,将其序号写入括号内 10分 lis...


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