
发布 2020-08-11 20:16:28 阅读 3137


1) greetings

2) let’s chant(课本第56页)

2)free talk

预设问题:how many people are there in your family? who are they?

what does your father / mother do ?

where does your father / mother work?

how does your father / mother go to work?

how does your father / mother go to work?


i.t:now, i will introduce some my friends to you. what do they do ? can you guess?

ss: ok!

t: ok! let’s meet my first friend.

(投影出示第一张卡片: she works in the school. she teaches english in the school.

she loves her children very much. what does she do? she is a


ii.用同样的方法阅读第二个片断。( 投影出示第二张卡片: he works in a car company.

he likes math and drawing very much. he can design(设计) many cool cars. what does he do?

he is an

师生齐读内容,出示单词卡,教读design。之后师问:what does he do ? can you guess?

s3: maybe he is an engineer.

t: yes, he is an engineer. you are very clever!( 揭示答案)

iii.now, let’s go on , meet my friends. i h**e many friends. (投影出示第三张卡片:

they like beautiful cities. they like tr**eling(旅游) very much. who are they?

they are

can you read the passage? h**e a try, please!



学习本课难点句子:help the tourists find their way.并引导学生用英语描述路线。


出示提示句子) look! i think zhou jielun is a singer. he goes to work by car.

he likes singing very much. what do you think of zhou jielun?(学生看提示语和同位讨论)


请学生说说自己的想法:i think zhou jielun…

投影出示句子。zhou jielun is a singer. he goes to work by car. he likes singing very much.



用同样的方法讨论交流并学说句子:helps the bank use their money well.



viii.投影出示刚才的三段短文。can you read the passages by yourselves? 学生看投影自由阅读。

t:can you answer these questions? ask and answer in your groups.


1. what does zhou jielun do?

2. what does xiao hong do ?

3. who works in a school?

4. who likes singing?

5. how does miss liang go to work?

6. who help the bank use their money well?



1) 略读。简单回答问题。


参考问题:a. how many friends do we h**e?

b. who are they?

c. what do they do?

2) 细读。


第一段:a. wang li is an engineer.

b. she likes reading english very much.

c. she designs many cars and buses.

d. she goes to work on foot.

第二段。a、 li xiaobin is a policewoman.

b、 he works is a hospital.

c、 he helps the bank use their money well.

d、 he goes to work by bus.

第三段:can you answer my questions?

a、what does yuan yuan do?

b、what does yuan yuan like?

c、how does yuan yuan go to work?

t: (学生口头回答上面三个问题后)


3) 读写。

let’s read all the passages together, ok?(齐读全部课文一遍)

now questions for you? can you answer the questions on your english books?

ask and answer in your groups, then write the answers on your english books.






t: look! there are three tips here.(课前将文中的三条建议贴在黑板上)

老师读完三条建议后说:i want to be a singer, because i like singing very much. what about you?

s1: i want to be a teacher, because i like children.

t: thank you. what else?

s2: i want to be an accountant. because i like math very much.

t: thank you. what else?

s3: i want to be a teacher, because i like students.

t: thank you. what else? what about you?

s4: i want to be an english teacher. because i like english very much.


1)t: now you are the managers in the many companies, and you need somebody work for your company. 请你根据你们公司的工作性质,到人才市场去聘用一些人员为你的公司服务。



zhang yong is a happy man. he likes helping the sick(病人) likes white.

he wants to be a doctor. so i choose zhang yong. because he wants to be a doctor, and yongxin hospital needs a doctor.

i work in yongxin hospital. i choose zhang yong. because yongxin hospital needs a doctor.

and zhang yong wants to be a doctor.


六年级科学课本重点。通过观察大豆的生长状态,判断引起植物角花草倾斜生长的原因。植物具有向光性,植物具有向水性。比如,植物的茎 叶具有向光生长的特性,这样有利于接收充足的阳光进行光合作用 植物根和生长具有向水性,有利于吸收到足够的水分 植物的根还具有向地生长的特性。本身发光的物体叫光源。光从光源发出后...


编辑 郑彩霞。lesson1 1 at the airport在机场用介词at 2 this is用于介绍某人或某物。this is li ming.this is a desk.this复数these 反义词that those this is a book.改为复数句 these are boo...


编辑 郑彩霞。lesson1 1 at the airport在机场用介词at 2 this is用于介绍某人或某物。this is li ming.this is a desk.this复数these 反义词that those this is a book.改为复数句 these are boo...