
发布 2020-08-11 16:09:28 阅读 1383


unit5 第4课时教学设计。

教学目标。1. 复习和巩固一般过去时中be动词was,were的用法。

2. 复习和巩固物品过去和现在的位置的表达。

教学准备。教师准备:listen and match部分的音频。


i. 课程导入(leading in)

1. 课前热身。


t: from the dialogue, we know liu zhaoyang’s father was at the same school thirty years ago. at that time, the school was small.

there was a small library. and there were about six hundred students in the school. but now, there are about two thousand.

it is a big school. how many students are there in our school, do you know?

2. 新课导入。


t: where is your english book?

s1: it is on my desk.

t: was it on the desk an hour ago?

s1: no.

t: where was it?

s1: it was in my school bag.

t: was there a chinese book in your school bag, too?

s1: yes, there was.(教师引导学生说) and there were many other books in it.

t: i see. now please open your books.

what shall we do today? we h**e many things to do.

ii. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)

1. part c listen and match

1. 教师引导学生观察上面一排的**,以what’s this / that? what is it?

提问,让学生说出场所名称。然后让学生**下面的人物头像,通过提问 who is he / she? can you tell me his / her name?


2. 教师**录音,学生听录音独立完成练习。

3. 教师呈现正确答案,学生核对答案。

4. 本部分录音内容如下:

mr. zhao: hello, boys and girls! were you at home yesterday?

students: no, we weren’t.

mr. zhao: where were you, kitty?

kitty: i was at the cinema. there was a great film yesterday.

mr. zhao: how about you, colin? where were you?

mr. zhao: and you alice? where were you?

alice: i was in the park. there were many beautiful flowers there.

mr. zhao: great! what about you, kevin? where were you?

kevin: i was on my uncle’s farm.

5. 参***:kitty—电影院,colin—图书馆,alice—公园,kevin—农场。

6. 让学生根据连线结果试着说句子,如:

kitty was at the cinema yesterday.

colin was in the library.

2. part c order and act

1. 教师先向学生介绍此类题的答题技巧,即:先找出问句,再为每个问句找到对应的答语;然后再根据情境决定每一个问答过程的顺序。

2. 请学生独立完成练习之后,自己找搭档进行对话,教师还可以请几组同学表演对话。

3. 参***:2,5,4,1,3, 6, 7

3. part c read and put the things back

1. 教师请学生仔细观察**,说出物品的名称。

2. 学生读短文,并把物品的序号写在图中的相应位置。

3. 教师让学生根据短文内容,做对话练习。

对话1:a: was there a kite on the wall?

b: yes, there was.

a: were there any books on the desk?

b: yes, there were.

对话2:a: where was the kite?

b: it was on the wall.

a: where were the books?

b: they were on the desk.

iii. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(practice activities)

1. hide and seek


s1: where is my ruler?

s2: is it on the desk?

s1: no, it isn’t.

s2: but it was on the desk just now. oh, there it is. it’s in your bag.

2. part b look and say

1. 教师引导学生观察第一**,以问题what can you see in the picture?引导学生说出图中的花草、树木、房子、人物:

a little girl, a dog and a cat, a small beautiful house, a clean river, fish, green trees and nice flowers0

2. 以同样的方式让学生观察熟悉第二幅图,引导学生先说出图中的高楼大厦、垃圾满地:tall buildings, the cars make the air dirty, the rubbish makes the river dirty。


3. 让学生参照课本中look and say部分的形式进行描述。教师引导学生熟悉句型结构,可以示范其中的一部分。

thirty years ago, my mother was young. .

now, my mother is tall...



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本节课我所教授的是pep小学英语六年级上册第5单元。新课程标准中表明 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣 是基础教育阶段英语课程任务的首要要求,这足以见证 兴趣 是英语学习的关键所在。我认为,不应该只是低年级激发兴趣,到了高年级就是保持兴趣了,而且应该是每一个教学环节 内容都要激发和培养学生的兴趣,而激发...