
发布 2020-07-16 00:27:28 阅读 6914

6b unit 5复习资料。

一、单词:1 天,白天 2 带来 3树叶/复数4 季节

5春季 6 夏季7秋季8冬季

9温暖的 10 凉爽的,凉快的 11 有风的

12划船 13 晴朗的,阳光充足的 14多去的,阴天的

15 下雨的,多雨的多风的16有雾的,多雾的

17 下雪的,多雪的18 热的19 天气

20 冷的 21雨,下雨22雪,下雪 23 乡下

24正方形 25 正六边形

二、词组 :

1 下星期 2在纽约

3最好的季节 4在早上

5 在乡村 6非常冷

7 摘苹果 8 听起来好极了

9 堆雪人 10打雪仗

11 与南京一样热 12 一年

13 哪个季节 14一些问题

15去农场 16一些更暖和的衣服

17在春天 18大多数时间

19 大量的雨 20 晴朗的一天

21 将(打算)做…… 22变得更长

23 一个电视节目 24变绿

25想知道有关天气的情况 26 慢跑

27去划船 28画一个六边形

29把它分成六分 30 把它们切割出来

31各种不同的天气 32把……放在……的**

33每种图形 34 旋转铅笔

35着陆在桌面上 36开始落下

37等待 38美丽的秋天

39 开始吹 40 多少只母牛

41 28度到32度 42开始生长

三 、英语同义句练习 :

1. how cute this dog is ! a cute dog this is !

2. how cold it is ! a cold it is !

3. how is the weather ? the weather today ?

beautiful those flowers are ! flowers are !

5. how hot it was yesterday ! a hot day it yesterday!

6. how is the weather in nanjing now ?

the weather in nanjing now ?

went home to h**e supper .he went home .

8. what’s the matter ?what’s with you ?

9. they are good at chinese .they chinese.

10. linda doesn’t well in english .linda isn’t english .

11. your maths is great .you maths .

12. she went for a walk in the park . she in the park.

she in the park.

13. can you tell me how i can get to the station ?

can you show me how to the station ?

14. excuse me , how can i get to the bank ?

excuse me , can you tell me the the bank ?

15. excuse me , where’s the post office , please ?

excuse me , tell me the post office ?

16. i’m not as tall as my mother .i’m than my mother .

17. tom runs faster than me .i than tom .

18. jack doesn’t h**e any brothers or sisters . jack brothers or sisters .

19. so you h**e got a brother . so you a brother .

20. uncle bob has no sisters or brothers .

uncle bob is the in his family .

21. he plays football well .he is a football .

can get there by bus . you can a bus there .

23. get off after two stops , please .get off at the stop.

24. the school is near from his home .the school isn’t his home .

25. the hotel is near to the park .the hotel isn’t the park .

26. yesterday my father came back home as late as my mother .

yesterday my came back home .

27. the weather here is cold .the weather in shenyang is colder.

the weather in shenyang is than here.

28. he is 165 centimetres. i’m 165 centimetres , too .

i’m as him .


mike __three friends . their___are ben , liu tao __gao shan . they all like __football .

mike __taller than his three is __strong __liu tao . gao shan is fatter __the other boys . he __slower.

but he can __very high. he is a good goalkeeper .


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