
发布 2020-07-16 00:31:28 阅读 4037


unit 5 our earth looks like this in space

part a

一。选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。()1. sp (太空)

a. ace b. eac c. cae() m(电影)

a. al b. li c. il()3. int esting(感情趣的)a. es b. er c. ea()4. e th (地球)

a. al b. la c. ar()5. m n(月亮)

a. oo b. ee c. ea二。英汉互译。

1. find out2. look for3.

the next day4. watch a film5.太空博物馆6.





)1. i a film about space looked b. see c.

watched()2. peter is interested in b. on c.

at)3. they are talkingthe of b. with c. about

) at b. for c. out()5.

animals and plants live on b. on the c. in the四。


look like look for be interested in earth last1. we live on the2. he ishis schoolbag.

3month, i went to the beach with my family.4. hehis father.

5. tomreading books.五。根据汉语意思补全句子。1.我上周看了一部关于月球的电影。

ithe moon.





the earth looks beautiful4.上周日,我们去了太空博物馆。

sunday, wethe space museum.5.你能帮我找出lucy的**号码吗?

can you help me tolucy’s phone number?part b


)1. a . land b.

find c. wanted d. interested()2.

a . sun b. star c.

earth d. moon()3. a .

ball b. half c. animal d.

film()4. a .plant b.

live c. take d. look()5.

a .australia b. china c.

england d. canada二。听音,选出正确的答案。

)1. my familylast went to the beach b. watched a lin tao and lingling are talking about



a. a book b. a film c. a story d. an outing()3. tim likesbest.

tongtong looks like

mother b. his fatherc. his aunt d. his grandfather


1. h(一半)of the earth face the sun.2. the earth has water and l (土地).

3. the earth t (花费) one year to go round the h**e four s (季节) in china.5.

the two girls look the s (相同的).四。单项选择。

) moonthe earth.

a. go round b. goes round c. went round( )2. there areseasons in china.

a. two b. three c. four( )chinais in january.

a. spring b. autumn c. winter( )4. li ming has the same pen li ping’s.

a. as b. to c. at

) 5. the earth looks like a



a. a red ball b. a blue ball c. a blue ball五.下列各句中均有一处错误,请你选出,并改正。

) is interested in the book.

a b c)2. he goes to the library last sunday.

a bc)3. the earth looks for a ball in c

)4. there are a pen and a ruler in my bc

)5. the students are talking with the bc六。写作。



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