2024年六年级上册英语unit5练习题 新广州版

发布 2020-08-15 01:09:28 阅读 5177




我去上学。读音: weak, cold, work, walk




hardly 和 hard的区别: .


课堂表现:三、unit 5单词。

四、unit 5词组。



1. youlook你看起来不好)

2wrong) you? (你怎么了?)

3isomefood. (可能我吃了一些不好的食物。)

4tothat. (听到这事我很难过。)

5 ithere two我在那呆了2个小时。)

6. heaand asked methis medicine threea dayone week.


7. you shouldyour health very


8. i thinksoon. (我想你会很快好起来。)


1. 常见的病痛所用英文。




headache头痛 backache背痛 heartache心痛

stomachache胃疼 toothache牙疼 earache耳痛。

拓展二:ache 、sore和hurt 的区别:ache 是一个名词后缀,如:toothache , headache ,stomachache;

sore 是一个形容词,用来修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。

如:sore back, sore throat ;


如:he hurts his leg.他伤了腿。 还可以说“his leg hurts.”他腿疼。

2. 询问及回答关于生病。

a:what’s the matter with you?(what’s wrong with you?)

h**e a stomachache.

3 频率的表达。



4. may,may be 与maybe的区别:

may be是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词 be,意为”可能是”.

he may be at home 他可能在家

maybe 是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语.

maybe he is right 也许他是对的

maybe she has gone shopping 她也许去买东西了

比较 he may be ill. 他可能病了。

maybe he is ill. 也许他病了

may 是情态动词,"可以可能",may +动词原形如果后面有动词原形用may.

i may go home now.

5. i am sorry to hear that. 听到这事,我很难过。

6. 复习情态动词。

用“should”与“shouldn’t”来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。

例如: janet should go to bed early.

janet shouldn’t watch tv too long.

同样用法的情态动词还有:must , need , can…

7. ask sb to do sth: 叫某人做某事。

his brother (ask) (shebuy) an english book him last week.

8. well: 1. 副词,好地; 2. 形容词,身体好。

good: 好的,只做形容词。

you don’t look

she doesin chinese.

i think you will besoon. mr li is ateacher.

课堂训练:1) 根据**写单词。

h**e ah**e ah**e ah**e a __

_ _hlfinger

2) 单项选择。

) 1. what’s the matter __you?

a. with b. for c. of d. in

) 2. he should __a rest.

a. to h**e b. has c. had d. h**e

) 3. you should take this medicinea day.

a. twob. twice c. three d. twices

) 4i h**e a headache.

a. what's the matter, judyb. where are you, judy?

c. who are youd. what are you doing, judy?

) 5. i think walking is __our health.

a. good at b. bad at c. well in d. good for

) 6. we should not eat __junk food.

a. too many b. too much c. many too d. much too

) 7. -how is the young man

a. he is twelveb. he's much better.

c. he is a doctord. he's allan.

) 8. you should not eat___24 hours.

a. something in b. nothing for c. anything for d. everything at

) 9. -my mother is ill

a. don't worry. b. no hurry. c. i'm sorry to hear that. d. ok.


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