
发布 2020-08-11 11:32:28 阅读 3743

unit 1 john has two aunts.

unit 2 harry finds the way.

unit 3 what does your uncle do?

unit 4 it is like an english pancake.

unit 5 i prefer western food.

unit 6 i hurt my knee.

unit 7 i’m ill today.

unit 8 it is upstairs.

unit 9 i’m good at sports.

unit 10 do you enjoy playing tennis?

unit 11 when is your birthday?

unit 12 what’s your f**ourite month?

3课时)content: jonh’s aunts and cousin harry are coming to visit his family from the uk.


new words : parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin (niece, nephew )

revise words: son, daughter, grandma, grandpa, grandson, granddaughter, husband, wife


****** present tense(一般现在时)

questions in the plural form


who are they?they are aunt maggie and aunt lucy.

where are they? where are uncle ted and aunt maggie?


listen, read and act: describing people--analyze and explain

listen and read

read and write--read and spell――uncle, cycle, buckle

5.任务tasks: ⑴ask and find out: family tree

draw your family tree.

guess and match: who are they?

教学参考:1. iq quiz: about family members

who’s your father’s sister?

who’s the son of your father’s sister?

who’s the son of your grandfather’s son?

2. finding the family members

给学生分发纸片, 通过自由寻找与交流(eg: excuse me, what’s your name, please? how old are you?

thank you! )找到自己的家庭成员并填好他们的信息。

例如几个不同家庭之一的white 一家的家庭成员的卡片可以设计如下:


eg:hello, my name is tom..i’m 11 years old.

this is my father, john white, he is 38. he is a doctor.

this is my aunt, she is lucy, she is 35 and she is a teacher.

this is my cousin lily, she is only 5 .

对于层次好的部分学生可以引导他们运用课文中的… has got ….来描绘他人的特征。

3. guessing game(talk about the photos):.

s1: look, this is my family photo. can you find my aunt? she has got…

others guess.

3课时)content: jonh and his friend are showing harry arround the city.


new words :beside(可以与behind, between比较记忆) next to,

north, south, east, west

revise words : turn left, turn right, go straight


prepositions (beside, next to, in the north/south/east/west/middle of….)

sequencing – then, finally

modal verb “will” -mean certainty


next to the bookstore, is a big shopping mall.

beside the shopping mall, is a famous park.

turn south and go straight. you will see a temple.


listen, read and act --then draw a route

listen and read—listen, discuss and mark the route

read and write--read and spell――mouth, south , teeth, tooth, north

我们可以用自然拼音法来训练学生,加强他们拼读单词的能力,提高他们的自学能力以及科学记忆、联想的能力, 降低单词学习的难度。


give directions, tell and draw

教学参考:1. tpr 教学法。

2. an antonym match:

教师将已学过的反义词和本课的四个方位词一起列出, 让学生预先复习至熟练, 然后再。

分组对抗比赛。a组的a同学说出其中一个单词, b组的b同学说出其反义词。 然后由b组的b同学说一个词, 由a组的a同学说出其反义词,如此轮换下去,评出胜利组。



east—west, south—north, come—go,down—up,day—night,bad—good

close—open,big—small/little,old---new/young, in---out,long/tall—short, love—hate,ask—answer,slow—fast,he**y—light,happy—sad,hot—cold ,laugh—cry,

right—wrong, sunny—rainy, fat—thin, here—there,right—left, dirty—clean, ugly—beautiful

3. guessing game(talk about the places):.

s1: i went to a city in the summer holiday , it is in the south of china. it is very beautiful.

i like it. can you guess?

others:guess the name of the place.

s2: i want to visit …,it is in the … of ….i will visit…. it is ….

3课时)content: jonh and his cousin, harry and liwei are in a shopping mall and they are talking

about harry’s father’s job.


words and phrases : clothes shop, shoes shop, toys shop, cake shop, noodles shop, bread shop, friendly, smile

revise words :clothes/milk/food/ice-cream/computer/news*****/telephone company


compound nouns


what does your uncle do?

he works in a toys shop.

he always smiles. he is friendly.


listen, read and act

listen and read (story: a friendly shop)

read and write--read and spell――shop, top, hop( mop, pop )


draw and ask(let the ss draw some pictures and then ask each other about his/her shop: is it a …shop?)

role-play: a shop-keeper (tell your friends what you h**e in your shop).

checklist(finish the checklist after listening to the story)


unit 1 a family outing period 1 一 教学目标 teaching aims 1 知识目标 knowledge aims 1 能看懂 会读 会说新单词together,ride,grandparents 2 学习 运用新句型 shall we?we ll?2 能力目标 a...


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