
发布 2020-08-11 23:09:28 阅读 8868

unit 1 john has two aunts 约翰有两个阿姨。

unit 2 harry finds the way 哈利找路。

unit 3 what does your uncle do?你的叔叔是干什么的?

unit 4 it is like an english pancake 它像英式煎饼。

unit 5 i prefer western food.我更喜欢西餐。

unit 6 i hurt my knee 我的膝盖受伤了。

unit 7 i am ill today 我今天生病了。

unit 8 it is upstairs 在楼上。

unit 9 i'm good at sports 我擅长运动。

unit 10 do you enjoy playing tennis? 你喜欢打网球吗?

unit 11 when is your birthday? 你什么时候生日?

unit 12 what's your f**ourite month? 你最喜欢的月份是什么?


unit 1 john has two aunts

1. john has two aunts.约翰有两个阿姨。

2. they are coming to visit us next week . 他们下周要来拜访我们。

3. i h**e two sisters .我有2个姐妹。

4. who are they ? 他们是谁?

5. they are aunt maggie and aunt lucy. 他们是麦吉阿姨和露西阿姨。

6. who is cousin harry ?谁是哈利表弟?

is aunt lucy’s son.他是露西阿姨的儿子。

are from the uk .他们来自英国。

has got curly yellow hair . 她留着黄色卷发。

is 5:00pm. 下午五点。

must get on the plane at 5:30.


are going to china.他们要去中国。

they going to china? 他们要去中国吗?

cannot find one another .他们不能找到对方。

has a round face and big eyes , 她有圆圆的脸和大大的眼睛。

unit 2

is from england .他来自英格兰。

taking harry around our city . 我带哈利参观我们的城市。

idea ,好主意。

go to the big bookstore. 我们去大书店吧。

can take a bus to the south .我们做公交车去南边。

sounds very interesting .听起来很有趣。

the shopping mall is a famous park .商场旁边是名湖。

in the north of the city. 在城市的北边。

and stand next to joe . 去站在乔的旁边。

you later .待会见。

you find us ?你能找到我们吗?

north .往北。

west and go straight !向西拐并直走。

will see a hospital . 你将会看到一家医院。

are in the bookshop next to the temple .我们在寺庙旁边的书店里。

unit 3

does your father do?你爸爸是干什么的?

works in a small shop .他在小店工作。

is harry’s father ?哈利的爸爸在哪。

don’t know.我不知道。

it a cake shop ? yes ,it is /no,it isn’t.是蛋糕店吗? 是的/ 不是。

smiles at all the children .他对所有孩子微笑。

can i do for you ?我能为你做点什么?

is a friendly shop .它是一家友好的店。

9. let’s look in this telephone shop.我们在**店看看吧!

unit4is a chinese cold dish .这是一道中式凉菜。

is like an english pancake .它像一道英式煎饼。


like it very much .我非常喜欢。

not like an english chicken soup .


a cat like a lion?猫像狮子吗?

can tick the order.我要点菜了。

do you want?你想要什么?

unit 5

do not know what food you like . 我不知道你喜欢什么食物?

do you prefer ?你更喜欢什么?

prefer chinese food.我更喜欢中国食品。

go to a fast-- food restaurant.我们去快餐店吧!

do you prefer to eat with your fingers or chopsticks ?你更喜欢用手吃还是用筷子?

prefer to eat with my fingers .我更喜欢用手吃东西。

h**e the best food from the uk.我们有来自英国的最好的食物。

do you prefer noodles or rice ?你更喜欢哪个,面条还是米饭?

do not know what food harry likes .


unit 6

you ok ?你还好吗?

hurt .我受伤了。

is hurt.她受伤了。

hurt my leg /eye/shoulder.我的腿/眼睛/肩膀受伤了。

hurt her knee.她的膝盖受伤了。

go and call our teacher.我们去叫老师吧!

me help you.让我来帮你吧!

can hurt my teeth.它们会伤我的牙齿。

careful. don’t get hurt.小心,别受伤了!

can hear a girl crying.他们能听到一个女孩在哭。

run to see her. 他们跑去看她。

unit 7

i speak to mr qi,please? 请找齐老师接**?


sorry i cannot come to school today.对不起,我今天不能来上学了。

am ill today.我今天生病了。

not ?为什么不来?

h**e a fever ./i h**e a cough ./i h**e a stomachache .我发烧了/我咳嗽/我胃疼。

you h**e a headache ? yes ,i do.你头疼吗?

stay at home and rest.请呆在家休息。


well soon.早日**。

is ill .他生病了。

has a fever.他发烧。

must go to hospital.他必须去医院。

are you today?你今天好吗?

do you feel ?你感觉怎么样?

must take some medicine.


unit 8

1. excuse me . 打扰一下。

2. where is the principle’s office /teachers’ room ?校长办公室在哪?

3. it’s upstairs ./it’s downstairs .在楼上。 在楼下。

4. it’s on the second floor. 在二楼。

5. it’s that way .在那边。

6. thank you very much .非常感谢。

7. you’re welcome.不客气。

8. can you show me the way to the washroom?你能告诉我去洗手间的路吗?

9. this way ,please. 请走这边。

10the building has 3 floors .建筑物有3层楼。

10. the classrooms are on the first floor.教室在1楼。

11. look at this picture.看这幅图。

12. there are ten new classrooms on the second floor.有十间新教室在2楼。

13. the washroom on the left is for boys .男洗手间在左边。

unit 9

1. are you good at jumping ? yes ,i am ./no,i’m not.你擅长跳跃吗?是的,我擅长。不,我不擅长。

2. joe is the first in the race.乔是比赛中的第一名。

3. what are you good at ?你擅长什么?

4. i am good at maths / singing/ swimming/games /football.我擅长数学/ 唱歌 /游泳/游戏/足球

5. he/she is good at english/drawing.他/她擅长英语/画画。

he/she good at english ? yes ,he/she is ./no,he/she isn’t.

他/她擅长英语吗? 是的,他/她擅长。不,他/她不擅长。


1 john has two aunts 约翰有两个阿姨。unit 2 harry finds the way 哈利找路。unit 3 what does your uncle do?你的叔叔是干什么的?unit 4 it is like an english pancake 它像英式煎饼。unit...


unit 1 john has two aunts.unit 2 harry finds the way.unit 3 what does your uncle do?unit 4 it is like an english pancake.unit 5 i prefer western food....

鲁湘版六年级英语上册月考 二 卷

2015 2016学年第一学期第二次月考自测卷六年级。英语。考号姓名成绩。一 请选出下面与其它不同类的单词,将其正确的序号填入括号内。24分 b.tennis b.二 选出下面汉语的正确意思,将其正确的序号填入括号内。15分 1.牙痛a.headache b.toothache 2.游戏a.game...