
发布 2020-08-16 07:17:28 阅读 4491


unit 1 when is your birthday?

1. 在一月一日 on january 1st 2. 在二月 in february 3.

在三点钟 at three o’clock4. 你多大了? how old are you?

5. 想干某事 want to do sth6.来参加我的生日聚会 come to my birthday party 7.

进行一次英语考试 h**e an english test8. 学校旅行 school trip 9. 篮球比赛 basketball game 10.

为某人办生日聚会 h**e a birthday party for sb11. 校庆日 school day 12. 举办艺术节 h**e an art festival 13.

体育节sports day 14. 英语节english day 5.(表示祝愿)过得愉快 h**e a good time /h**e fun16.

在学校图书馆举办图书** h**e a book sale in the school library 17 这学期 this term 18.下个月 next month 19.一个真正繁忙的学期 a really busy term20.

儿童节 children’s day 21.妇女节 women’s day 22. 教师节 teachers’ day 23.

母亲节 mother’s day 24.新年 new year’s day 25.在上午,在早晨in the morning 26.

在下午:in the afternoon 27.在傍晚:

in the evening 28.在晚上,在深夜at night 29. 在中午 at noon

unit2 my f**orite subject is science.

1. 你最喜欢的学科是什么?what’s your f**orite subject?

或 what subject do you like best?2. 上美术课 h**e art 上一节美术课 h**e an art class/lesson 3.

做游戏 play games 和。做游戏 play games with sb4. 第二天 the next day 5.

的确如此 that’s for sure. 6. 在周五下午 on friday afternoon 7.

教我们地理 teach us geography 8. 从…到…from …to … 9. 完成做某事 finish doing sth 10.

让某人做某事 let sb do sth 11. 因…感谢。 thank you for+n/ving 或 thanks for +n/ving 12.

喜欢做某事 like doing sth 13. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 14. 对你来说合适吗?

is that ok with you?

15. 上两个小时的美术课 h**e an art lesson for two hours

unit 3 can you play the guitar?

1. play the guitar 弹吉他 2. play the piano 弹钢琴 3.

play the drums 敲鼓 4. play chess 下象棋 5. play basketball 打篮球 6.

speak english 说英语 7. tell stories 讲故事 8. join the art club 加入艺术俱乐部 9.

join the basketball club加入篮球俱乐部 10. join the swimming club加入游泳俱乐部 11. the story telling club 故事讲述俱乐部 12.

what club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部 ? the guitar well 弹吉他弹得好 14.

be good with sb 和某人相处的好 15. be good for对有益处 16. be good at擅长 17.

talk to/with sb 与某人交谈 18. like to do sth/ like doing sth 喜欢干某事 19. help sb with sth 或 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人干某事20.

need to do sth 需要干某事 need sb to do sth 需要某人干某事 chinese kung fu表演中国功夫 22. call sb at + **号码给某人打**拨打号 friends 交朋友 24. on the weekend 或 on weekends 在周末 25.

teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 26. show sth. to sb.

=show sb. sth. 把某物给某人看。

unit 4 what time do you go to school?

1. get up 起床 2. go to school 去上学 3.

eat breakfast 吃早餐 4. brush teeth 刷牙 dressed 穿衣服 6. take a shower 洗淋浴 7.

radio station 广播电台 8. do one’s homework 做作业 9. take a walk 散步 10.

clean one’s room 打扫房间11. go home 回家 12. go to bed **睡觉 13.

after that 之后 14. be late for 迟到 15. on school days 在上学的日子 16.

half past six 六点半 17. a quarter past three 三点十五 18. a quarter to seven 六点四十五 19.

做运动 play sports 或 do sports 20. either...or...


玩电脑游戏 play computer games22. 尝起来好处 taste good 23. 大量;许多 lots of= a lot of

24. 有一个健康的生活 h**e a very healthy life 25. 有时间去干某事 h**e time to do sth

unit 5 how do you get to school?

1. 乘火车 take the train=by train 2. 乘公共汽车 take the bus = by bus 3.

步行 walk= on 4. 骑自行车 ride a bike = by bike

5. 两百 two hundred 6. 几百数百 hundreds of 7. 花费某人多少时间去干某事 it takes sb some time to do sth

8. 从你家到学校有多远? how far is it from your home to school?

9. 确定干某事 be sure to do sth 10. 要花费多长时间到学校?

how long does it take to get to school? 11. 你认为… 怎么样?

what do you think of…? how do you like…?

12. 干某事是怎么样的 it is +形容词+to do sth 或it is +形容词+for sb+to do 在…和…之间 14. 一个11岁的男孩an 11-year-old boy afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth.

/doing sth. 害怕某物或干某事16. 与某人玩 play with sb 17.

实现come true 18. 穿过河流 cross the river

unit 6 don’t eat in class

1. 校规school rules 2.在走廊里in the hallways 3.

在餐厅里in dining hall 4. 听**listen to music 5. 戴帽子wear a hat/ wear hats 6.

穿校服 wear the school uniform / wear school uniforms/ wear a school uniform 7. 打扫教室clean the classroom 8.我的第一天my first day 9.

放学后看电视 watch tv after school10.上学期间的晚上外出go out on school nights 11. 在学校吃东西eat in school 12.

在外面吃东西eat outside 13. .每天练习吉他practice the guitar every day 14.

在课堂上听**listen to music in class 15. 想要某人去做某事 want sb to do sth 16. 上学迟到arrive /be late for school 17.

放学后会见朋友meet my friends after school18. 洗盘子 do the dishes 19.洗衣服wash the clothes 20.

帮助妈妈做晚饭help my mom make dinner 21.太多规则 too many rules 22. 太多的… too many+可数名词复数 too much +不可数名词23.

与某人谈论某事talk about sth with sb 24. 铺床make one’s bed 25.家规family rules 26.

在厨房里 in the kitchen 27. 跑到学校 run to school 28.读书 read a book /read books 29.

制定规则 make rules 30.遵守规则 follow the rules 31. 按时 on time 32.

吵闹be noisy 33. 保存安静 be quiet 34. 在周末on weekends/ on the weekend 35.

把某物带到什么地方去 take sth to … 把某物带到什么地方来 bring sth to…36. 对某人要求严格be strict with +人对某事要求严格 be strict in sth37. 在上学的日子 on school days 在上学的晚上on school nights 38.

忘记去干某事 forget to do sth 忘记干过的事 forget doing sth 39. 记住去做某事 remember to do sth 记住做过的事 remember doing sth 40. 告诉某人干某事 tell sb to do sth 41.

学习干某事 learn to do sth 42. 跟某人一起玩 play with sb

unit 7 why do you like pandas?

1. 让某人干某事 let sb do sth 2. 稍微,有点 be kind of 3.来自于be from =come from

4. 在晚上,在夜里 at night 5. 对某人友好 be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 6.玩耍play with

7. 一种 a kind of… 各种各样的all kinds of… 不同种类的different kinds of… 8. 整天睡觉 sleep all day africa 南非 10.

a lot 非常,很 learn a lot 学到很多11. 许多,大量的 a lot of =lots of +可数名词复数或不可数名词12. …的象征 a symbol of 13.

迷路 get lost 14. 处于(极大)危险中 be in (great) danger 15. 砍倒cut down 16.

由…制成be made of 17. 有食物和水的地方places with food and water18. 为什么不干某事…?

why don’t you do sth …?why not do sth …?19.

用两条腿走路 walk on two legs 20. 帮助某人干某事 help sb (to)do sth21. …之中的一个 one of +可数名词复数。

22. 失去家园 lose one’s home 23. 住在某地 live in 24. 与某人一起居住 live with

unit 8 i’m watching tv.

1.吃晚饭 eat dinner 2.通** talk on the phone 3.

谈论 talk about 4.跟某人交谈 talk to \ talk with 5. 写信 write a letter 6.

等待 wait for 7. 去游泳 go swimming 8. 去购物 go shopping 9.

去看电影 go to the movies 10. 为…而感谢 thanks for + n/ving thank you for + n/ving 11. 洗盘子 wash the dishes 12.

看报纸 read a news***** 或 read news*****s 13. 听cd listen to a cd 或 listen to cds 14. 使用电脑 using the computer 15.

做汤 make soup 16. 那听起来很好 that sounds good.17.

洗衣服 wash the clothes 18. **用语:我是jenny.

this is jenny. 你是tom 吗?is that tom?

我可以找一下jim 吗? could i speak to jim?


六年级下册重点短语和句型。unit 1 when is your birthday?1.在一月一日 on january 1st 2.在二月 in february 3.在三点钟 at three o clock4.你多大了?how old are you?5.想干某事 want to do sth...


六年级下册期末常考知识点汇总。1.when is 主语 birthday?某人的生日什么时候?when疑问副词,引导提殊疑问句,其结构为 when 一般疑问句?when可以对年 月 日以及时刻进行提问或者询问某一动作发生的时间。it s 月 日,年。是。年。月 日。when is your birt...


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