人教pep版小学英语六年级下册各单元测试卷 全册

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六年级英语下册人教pep版unit 1 how tall are you_ 综合能力测评(含与参***)

unit 1综合能力测评。


part1 speaking说(15%)


1. younger 2. older 3. taller 4. shorter

5. longer 6. thinner 7. he**ier 8. bigger

9. that's the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

10. it's taller than both of us together.


1. you look taller than me.

2. you are older than me,too.

3. your feet are bigger than mine.

4. little duck is watching the sun go down.

5. it is getting lower and lower,but its shadow is getting longer and longer.


a:how tall are you?

b:i'm 165 cm tall. how about you?

a:i'm 160 cm tall. i'm shorter than you.

b:how old are you?

a:i'm 13 years old. how about you?

b:i'm 12 years old. i'm younger than you.

part2 listening听(30%)


) 1. a. than b. that c. they

) 2. a. younger b. he**ier c. longer

) 3. a. older b. bigger c. taller

) 4. a. metre b. size c. kilogram

) 5. a. maths b. both c. bathroom


a. b. c. d. e.


) 1. yourare bigger than mine.

a. fish b. feet c. hands

) 2. you lookthan me.

a. thin b. taller c. younger

) 3. howis it?

a. tall b. he**y c. long

) 4. he's an excellent

a. teacher b. dancer c. goalkeeper

) 5. you areandthan me.

a. older;smarter b. younger;smarter c. he**ier;stronger


part3 vocabulary and grammar



) 1. a. younger b. tall c. taller

) 2. a. dinosaur b. elephant c. hall

) 3. a. long b. short c. nose

) 4. a. years b. old c. tall

) 5. a. than b. longer c. older


1. in china, i wear38 shoes.

2. li chang isthan me.

3size are your shoes?

4. there aredinosaurs over there.

5. that's thedinosaur in this hall.


) 1. how __is the dinosaur?

a. he**y b. he**ier c. he**iest

) 2. my arms are stronger than

a. your b. you c. yours

) 3. i'm taller than

a. his b. us c. him

) 4are your boots?

size 8.

a. what b. what size c. how

) 5. she is __in her school.

a. taller b. the tallest c. tallest

) 6. my school is __than his.

a. new b. the newer c. newer

) 7. how long are your

a. arm b. hand c. legs

) 8. —how he**y are you?

a. 40 centimetres b. 40 kilograms c. 1. 4 meters

) 9. amylong hair and big eyes.

a. is b. h**e c. has

) 10. they're going __a trip to shanghai.

a. at b. on c. in


a. b. c. d. e.

) 1. lily is shorter than jenny.

) 2. li ming's mother is thinner than li qiang's mother.

) 3. the man is stronger than the woman.

) 4. my pencil is longer than yours.

) 5. the baby is younger than the old man.

part4 reading and writing


一、阅读短文,回答问题。(10分) (建议用时:6分钟)

hello! i'm mike. i'm from america.

i'm 12 years old. this is ann, my sister and this is bill, my brother. ann is 3 years older than me, but she is thinner and shorter than me.

bill is 10 years old. he is stronger than me. i'm 1.

58 metres. he is 1.60 metres.

i'm 51 kilograms. he is 2 kilograms he**ier than me.

1. where does mike come from?

2. how old is ann?

3. who's taller, mike or ann?

4. how he**y is mike?

5. who's stronger than mike?



unit 1综合能力测评。

part 2 listening 听。

听力材料:一、1. than 2. longer 3. taller 4. metre 5. both

二、1. mr jones is 1. 75 metres. 2. john is 48 kilograms.

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