人教PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit1 原创

发布 2020-07-22 13:50:28 阅读 3026




一、 听录音判断正误,与句子一致的写t,不一致的写f。

) feet are smaller than mine.

) 2. you look taller than me.

) 3. i wear size 40 shoes.

) pencil is shorter than yours.

) are he**ier. but i’m taller.

二、 听问句,选择合适的答语。

) shorter than me. b. she’s 12 years old.

) shoes are size37. b. i’m taller.

) 1.50 metresb. i’m 46 kilograms.

) 1.59 metresb. she’s 1.53 metres.

) is taller than me. b. sarah is he**ier than me.

笔试部分。三、read and choose.(找出不同类的单词。)

) 1. a. younger b. stronger c. singer d. shorter

) 2. a. older c. getting d. smarter

) 3. a. funnier c. thinner d. hotter

) 4. a. your b. my c. her d. mine

) 5. a. both b. cm c. m d. kg

) 6. a. shadow b. smaller d. longer

) 7. a. small b. taller c. longer d. stronger

) 8. a. running b. diving c. bigger d .jumping

)9. a. head b. hand c. hall d. feet

) 10. a. big b. old c. how

四、read and choose.(单项选择。)

) 1. -how __are you? -i’m 46 kilograms.

a. short b. he**y c. small

) 2. john is ten years is eleven years old . bob is __than john.

) 3i’m___than you.

a. strong b. thiner c. thinner

) 4. my shoes are size 37. your shoes are size shoes are __than mine.

a. smaller b. shorter c. bigger

) 5. -i’m 1.65 metres.

---i’m 1.59 metres. you arethan me.

a. tall b. he**ier c. taller

) 6. -whose shoes are bigger?

a. mikeb. mike’s c. wu yifan’

) 7. how __is your brother? -he is thirteen years old .

a. tall b. old c. he**y

) 8.--how tall is chen jie

a. he is 12 years old. b. i'm 1.47m. c. she is 1.50m.

) hands are bigger than

a. my b. mine c. your

) 10. what __are your shoes?

a .sizeb. bigc. he**y


1. longer(反义词2. tall (最高级。

3. big (比较级4. younger (原级。

5. old (比较级6. he**ier (原级。

7. small (比较级8. thinner (原级。

9. foot (复数10. funnier (原级。

六、read and choose.(找一找,根据问句找答语。)

( )1. how tall are you? a. sarah.

( )2. how he**y is zhang peng? b. chen jie’s dress .

)3. what size are amy’s shoes? c. he is 48 kilograms.

)4. who is younger? d. i’m 1.63m.

)5. whose dress is longer? e. her shoes are size 6.

七、 选词填空。

1are you? -i’m 12 years old.

2is his name? -his name is john.

3is older than you? -tom.

4are you? -i’m 1.45 metres.

5is the hospital? -it’s near the post office.

八、rearrange the words.(连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。)

1. in that’s this tallest the hall dinosaur(.)

2. bigger your than feet are mine(.)

size are what your, (

than me he**ier are (.

it’s us both of taller together (.

九、read and write. (读一读,写一写。)

mary, jane and amy are very good friends. mary is is taller than amy. amy is taller than jane.

jane is 34 kilograms. jane is thinner than mary. she is 36 kilograms.

how old are they? mary is 12 years old. jane is 11 years old and amy is 10 years old.

they study at xi wang primary school. they all study very hard.

a. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打“√”错的打“×”

) are 3 children in the story.

) 2. mary is taller than jane.

) 3. jane is the youngest.

b. 根据短文内容回答问题。

4. how he**y is mary

5. how old is amy

十、writing. (写作) 根据**提示写一写比较级的句子,不少于5句话。

wu yifan, zhang peng and john are good friends. zhang peng is taller than john.


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