
发布 2020-08-06 12:33:28 阅读 2807





一、 听录音,勾出正确的答案。(每小题2.5分,共10分)


)1、a. pearsb. bearsc. wears d. years

)2、a. dining room b. reading room c. classroom d. bedroom

)3、a. brightb. quietc. white d. light

)4、a. makesb. takesc. bakes d. wakes

)5、a. backb. blackc. snack d. pack


) f**ourite subject is

a. mathb. musicc. art

) 2is very funny.

a. mr. brooksb. mr. greenc. mrs. white

) movies.

a. likesb. likec. doesn’t like

) wants to play

a. baseballb. basketballc. soccer

) is playing

a. on the bedb. on the garden c. in the garden



1. how do you go to goes there by subway

2. that is the science can take the no.15 bus

3. i am going to shanghai bought a comic book

4. i usually watch tv on weekends9. he is an actor

5. it comes from the should you do then


1. he went to beijing by飞机6. _at a red light .(停)

2. it’sthe cinema.(与…….相邻) supermarket is on the r右边)

3. which magazine do you want to___买) you h**e报纸)

are you going to do今天下午) 9. how about___潜水ing形式)

5. you sister is a清洁工 water becomes蒸汽,水汽)


) colour is the blackboard? -it’s

a. blackb. whitec. blue

) and five___seven

a. amb. isc. are

) singing in the room now?

a. areb. h**ec .is

)4.__did yourbrother cry lastweekend?

a. whatb. whyc. who

) dehua is a __

a. dancerb. actressc. singer

) happened 6:00 the afternoon.

a. at; inb. on; atc. at; at

) girlred coat is my sister.

a. inb. withc. on

) usuallytv in the evening.

a. watchb. will watchc. watches

) icansongs.

a. singb. singingc. sang

) you answer this question in english? -no, i

a. needn’tb. can’tc. may not


1. go straight, then turn left6. there are many traffic rules.

2. he teaches does the rain come from?

3. put the seed into the soil8. what should you do then?

4. it comes from the water in the river9. we are going to the theme park.

5. where do they live10. is it far?






1. i am go to shanghai next your sister often plays football

2. my father is a can’t makes kites.(

3. wait at a green light.(


1. what do you do on saturdaysa. yes, she is.

2. what day is it see two dogs.

3. what do you seec. fall.

4. what’s your f**ourite seasond. sunday.

5. is amy listening to music at home now? often go hiking.


1. she is a good teacher. (改为复数句。

2. i can speak english. (改为疑问句。

3. it’s in front of the school. (对划线部分提问。

4. do you like chinese or science? (根据实际情况进行回答。

5. does your pen pal live in beijing? (肯定回答。


this is my village. there are many small houses and a river. there is a bridge over the river.

there are many fish in the river. there are many flowers near the road. there is a green grass and many trees near the road.

we can run on the grass. there is a lake near my village. the water is clean.

i love my beautiful village.


班。类别。级六年级时间9月教师姓名。培优学生姓名杨颖 杨城预 陈婉婷 杨碧霞 补新平等一 名词变复数1 名词变复数的规律2 名词变复数的练习。训练内容二 动词变为第三人称单数的。1 动词变为第三人称单数的规律2 动词变为三单的练习。三 比较名词变复数和动词变为三单形式。效果或存在问题。通过练习,学生...


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