
发布 2020-07-29 06:13:28 阅读 9337




1. swim swimming sandals glass nine

5. sugar shoulder hurt will

8. face teeth skip sick


a: hello?

b: hi! steven. it’s jelly___would you like to a __for li ming?

a: sure!__is the party?

b:tomorrow, it’s a __for li ming. please don’t tell him.

a: okay, what time does it

b: at 4:00. don’t be

a:okay,i will come4:00, then i will be

b: great! see you


)1. like ping-pong best. b. i like chicken best.

) 2. will go to school went to the park.

) 3. a. i wear wear swimsuit

) 4. a. twice a dayb. five minutes

) 5. bought a went to the gym.


笔试部分(共八大题 ,计60 分)


海滩) 跳,蹦) 凉鞋)

花) (记得) 忘记)

7. h__vy(重的) ** _se (意外的惊喜)


1. swim(现在分词2. good(比较级。

3. early(反义词4. leaf(复数。

5. they(宾格6. teach(过去式。


( c ) 1、 in___the trees lose their le**es.

a. spring b. summer c. fall

( a) 2、your kite looksa bird. li ming!

a. likeb. atc. for

c ) 3、i will___in china for the summer holiday.

a. amb. are c. be

a) 4will jelly go for the summer holiday

a. whereb. what c. when

c ) 5、do you likeon the beach?

a lieb. lieing c. lying

a ) 6will they go to the store?

a .howb. what c. who

b ) 7、 i’mready to go home next week.

a. getb. getting c. geting

( b ) 8、do you rememberbasketball with me?

a. playb. playing c. played

a ) 9、danny is too weak___throw the basketball

a. tob. two c. too

c ) 10、i asked santaa gift.

a. tob. with c. for

( b ) 11、he’sthe basketball now.

a. throwb. throwing c .threw

b ) 12exercise do you need?

a. how many b. how much c. how often

b ) 13、li ming is le**ingchina.

a. tob. forc at

( b ) 14、i will liethe beach. i will swim __the ocean.

a. in, on b on, in c .on at

c ) 15、jenny想问“你最喜欢的运动是什么?”她应该这样表达:__

a .what sport do you like

b. what’s your f**ourite food

c. what’s your f**ourite sport?


1. this is good___you.

2. danny is waking___now.

3. i like to look __flowers.

4. i need to take __off my sandals.

5. i like watching clouds betterflying kites.


1、my family like to go on trips in summer.


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