
发布 2020-07-29 06:01:28 阅读 4308

一. 根据提示补全句子。

1. here is my房子).

2. the坐便器) is in the bathroom.

3. let’s put some盘子)on the table.

4. i need some西红柿).

5. this is a冰箱).

6. these are four公共汽车).

7. my f**ourite sbuject is美术).

8. i’d like some面包).

9. we make dinner in the厨房).

10. my hands are___脏).


1. box (复数)__2. photo (复数)__3. cloud (形容词)__

4. near(反义词)__5. he (宾格)__6. buy (同音词)__

7. one (序数词8. eat (过去式)__9. old (反义词)__

10. woman(复数)__


1. we h**e __in the morning. a. lunch b. breakfast c. dinner

2. i h**e math __tuesday. a. on b. in c. at

3. this is ana. chair b. table c. orange

4. here __the bus stop. a. is b. am c. are

5. i always __to school. a. walks b. walking c. walk

6. this __is young. a. men b. child c. girls

7. the __is very hot. a. sun b. rainy c. wind

8. i go home___4:30 __the afternoon. a. in…at… b. at…in… c. in…in…

9. he wants___chinese. a. learn b. learning c. to learn

10. i h**e some rice___lunch . a. to b. on c. for


)1. a. chinese b. english c. australia

( )2. a. photo b. tomato c. patato

)3. a. beside b. happy c. in front of

( )4. a. children b. women c. pencil

)5. a. cinema b. dance c. sing

) always b. special d. sometimes


)1. how’s the weather today ? a. it’s twenty degrees.

)2. what’s the temperature now ? b. i’d like some noodles,please.

)3. how do you go to school ? c. it’s cool and rainy.

)4. what would you like ? d. i’m from china.

)5. where are you from ? e. i go to school by bus.

)6. what’s your f**ourite season? f. no, i don’t think so.

)7. can you stand up on the ice? g. because i can skate.

)8. why do you like winter? h. yes, i can.

)9. who brought these gifts? i. summer.

)10. did santa bring them? j. danny.


1. to book they the go shop( .

2. sending he email is an (

3. go cinema let’s to the (

4. the i’ll rooms you show (

5. people china hot the in water like (

6. plane will li ming’s at o’clock five arrive (.

七.写作。题目:my f**ourite teacher

要求: 向大家介绍你最喜欢的老师,不少于7句。


一. 词汇及短语。


)1. kitchen bedroom toilet bathroom

)2. ate invite skate teach ( 3. card light santa star

)4. winter autumn season summer

b). 写出下列短语的汉语意思。

1. in winter2. dirty dishes3. take off your shoes

4. bus driver5. in the bathroom6. warm and rainy

7. something special8. christmas gifts

9. in summer10.公共汽车站11. time for dinner

12. half past nine13. a healthy temperature

14. weather report15. in front of him

16. summer holiday17. take a picture

18. get wet19. put up20. walk in the rain


1. shewalk/ walks / is going to walk)to school tomorrow.

2. my motherbuys / bought / is going to buy ) a sweater yesterday .

3. he neverspeak /speaks / speaking ) chinese at home.

4. look ! theyput / are going to put / are putting ) up the chistmas tree now.

5. these aredress / woman / children )

6. i likerun / to run / runs ) in the park.

7. look! hesit / sitting / is sitting ) there.

8li ming is going to skate . today / tomorrow / yesterday )

9. i likerun / to run / runs ) in the park.

10. danny is going to teach jennyteach /teaching / to teaching )


1. christmas is a western h

2. do you want to lenglish ? i can teach you .

3. sis my f**ourite season.

4. do you usyally eat milk and eggs for breakfast ?

yes. but si eat bread.

5. i’m di need to wash my hands and face.


2009 2010年大洛中心小学语六年级上册期中质量检测语科质量分析报告半个学期一转眼就过去了,期中考试也顺利结束了。纵观此次试题,从内容上看,题量适中,没有学生感觉很生疏的题型,但涉及的知识面比较全 字词句 标点 口语 阅读 习作等 而且题型比较灵活。具体包括看拼音写汉字,组词 选择带点字的正确读...


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卷首语 亲爱的同学们,时光如流水,不知不觉中又到了期中,请你们拿起手中的笔,发挥你们的聪明才智,让我们驾驶 智慧之舟 一同畅游知识乐园。相信你们经过一番努力,一定会满载而归的!一 基础乐园 一 神奇的拼音王国 1 请你在每组拼音下面写出相对应的词语,注意写规范哦!li l nku wj s ngti...