
发布 2020-07-24 10:28:28 阅读 1684


1. i like riding a bike.(就划线部分提问your __

2. she lives in australia.(改一般疑问句) _shein australia?

3. ann goes to school on foot every day.(同义句)

annevery day.

4. what about naming it ben?(同义句name it ben?

5. alice usually plays at the park on saturday.(就划线部分提问)

alice usually __on saturday?

四、find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里) 6%

) 1. a. morning b. evening c. afternoon d. tuesday

) 2. a. play football b. make kites c. collect stamps d. clean the room

) 3. a. park b. museum c. teacher d. school

) 4. a. go to bed b. go to work c. go to school d. study

) 5. a. english b. chinese c. beijing d.

) 6. a. watch b. write c. make d. pictures

五、read and choose.(选择合适的答案填在括号里)

) 1. 当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问: w w w .x k b o m

a. what’s your hobbyb. what do you do ?

) 2. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问:

a. does your mother teach english ? b. does your mother like english ?

) 3. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼:

a. byeb. good afternoon .

) 4. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:

a. no,thanksb. you’re welcome .

) 5. 当你询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该问:

a. are you collecting stamps ? b. do you like collecting stamps ?

) 6. how do you___there ? a. goes w w .x k b o m

) 7. his parents___stamps , too . a. likes collecting b. like collecting

) 8. ian e-mail to alice every week . a. write b. reads

) 9. whomath ? a. teaching b. teaches

) 10. i likekites . a. make b. ******


name __be) lily. i __be) twelve years old and __study) in yucai middle school. now let me __tell) you something about my class.

there __be) 46 students in our class. mrs. wang is our english teacher.

sheteach) us very well and she __likeplay) games with us after class. so we all __love) her very much. look!

shemake) a snowman with some students outside. how happy we are!


) 1. a. learn b. earth c. hear d. heard

) 2. a. which b. chair c. french d. school

) 3. a. nose b. love c. post d. goal

) 4. a. visitor b. word c. mirror d. color

) 5. a. go b. stop c. nod. home

二, 选择最佳答案新|课| 标|第| 一|网。

) 6. this is my pen pal in

a. canada b. english c. australian d. japanese

) 7he go to school by bus? a. is b. are c. do d. does

) 8. tomlistening to music. a. likes b. like c. liking d. to like

) 9. i’m happy __a new pen h**e b. to h**e c. has d. h**ing

) 10. they’re twins, but they look

a. same b. the same c. different d. the different

) 11. the light is on, tom must __at home. a. is b. am c. are d. be

) 12. i like playing __piano, but i don’t like playing __chess.

a. the, the b. the, /c. /the d. /

) 13. let’s go home after __basketball.

a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play

) 14. my mother is ashe teaches in no.1 middle school.

a. doctor b. nurse c. teacher d. cleaner

) 15. i write an email __alice every sunday. a. for b. to c. at d. give

) 16. do you know howan envelope ?

a. address b. addresses c. addressing d. to address

) 17. where __you work? a. do b. does c. are d. is

) 18. mr. white teaches __english.

we all love her. a. we b.

us c. our d. ours

) 19. the woman is old, but she looks __

a. old b. new c. young d. smallw w w .x k b o m

) 20. she is a girl. _name is rose. a. her b. its c. his d. she's



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