
发布 2020-07-25 07:22:28 阅读 2515

class __namescore


一、 看音标写单词(6%)

1. the __per/ of glasses over __er/.

2. the picture of theftbl/ in your __bk / is good.

3. i always __sklts/ of questions.

二、 根据中文完成句子(16%)

1. miss li散步)in the park every day.

2. jack sits在……前面)kate.

3. where are三本日记本)? they are on the bookcase.

4. we品尝橘子)on the farm yesterday.

5. can you回答这些问题) ?yes, i can.

6. he’d like to h**e一块有许多葡萄的蛋糕)

7. people usually乔装打扮)at halloween.

8. we like吃粽子)at dragon boat festival.


) 1. friday is thedaythe week.

a. fifth; of b. sixth; of c. fifth; with d. sixth; with

) 2. they sang some songs __the art festival __october last year.

a. on ;on b. at ; in c. in ; in d. on ; at

) 3. hairdryer is from americais from japan .

a. mine ;yours b. my ;yours c. my ;your d. mine ;your

)4. children’s day is anholiday. we are allon that day.

a. excited; excitingb. exciting; excited

c. excited; excitedd. exciting; exciting

)5. she at the back of the bus, suddenly the bus .

a. sitted ;stoppedb. sat; stoped stopped

)6. mike issome questionschinese festivals.

a. asking; about b. asked; about about d. asking; of

) 7. look at the book on the ground. please .

a. pick them up b. pick up it. c. pick it up. d. pick up them

) iss”andc”in the word “sock.”

b. a;an d an;an

) 9. the children __cows a moment ago. that _ fun!

a. milk ;is b. milked; was c. milked ;is d. milk ;was

)10. whose book is it? it’s not __book. it’s __

a. mine; her her c. mine; hers d. my; hers

) 11. is this hairdryer ? it’s my mother’s .

a. whose b. whoc. who’s d. where

) 12. ben is the candles on the cake . it's time for some cake.

a. buying b. blow out c. blowing out d. buy


1. would you likego) shopping with me?

cartoon isthe children are veryexcite)

3. helen is a friend ofi).

4. we __h**e) a good time yesterday. we __eat) and __drink) a lot.

5. do you likepicture)? no, i

6. she shouldn’tgo) to the zoo now, she muststay) at home.

7. the boynot pull) up carrots just now, hecook) food.

8. he alwaysh**e)a lot of questions.

9. she shouldn’tgo) to the zoo now,she muststay) at home.

五、根据首字母提示将短文填写完整( 5%)

mike h___a new bike now. he g___to school by bike. so he needn’t t___a bus every d___he gets h___at 4:

30 he does h___homework f___and then w___tv. sometimes he h___his mother d___some housework. he is a good boy.


1. 刘涛正在干什么?他在捡书。

whatliu taohe’sup books.

2. 这把红色的梳子是我哥哥送的。

the red comb is

3. 这些邮票是谁的? -它们是我的。

___stamps are these? -they’re

4. 我的眼镜在**?刚才在我的日记簿的下面。

wheremy glasses? theyunder the diary just now.


1. i went to a party last halloween. (改为一般疑问句)

___you___to a party last halloween?

2. lily does her homework every evening.***一般疑问句)

___lily __her homework every evening?

3. she has a knife.***复数句) they __some __

4. the girls ran in the park just now.(用now替换)

the girlsin the park now.

5. i visited my grandparents yesterday. (划线提问)

what __you __yesterday?

6. the ball is from my brother. (划线提问) who __the ball __

7. there was some juice in the glass.***否定句)

therejuice in the glass.

8. i did my homework yesterday evening.***否定句)


一 看拼音写词语。ch b i g n cu sh z ng zh ju s li o b ng g n ji z u yu p j xi ng q p n r k u hu gu y ng w q g i sh ng g n c ng m ng yu n g n d n xi o sh u k n...


一 看拼音写词语。sh sh g b n mi n qi ng b o yu n q ng t ng xi n q ku w s p d o m i y n s y u l sh n sh ng y u y u zhu ng zh ng y sh b o qi n li z u ji y zhu w...


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