
发布 2020-07-25 07:18:28 阅读 2625

english weekend homework for grade six

dec.31st ,2011---jan.3rd ,2012) by miss ou

name: class: 家长签名:

作业要求:1. 每天复习一部分英语所学知识,迎接期末考试。

2. 背诵pep书本中单词表中的四会单词,朗读所学的课文。

3. 认真完成本次练习卷,以上要求如能按时保质完成,家长亦可签名。


1. (it’s sunny day and hot. put on your __

a. sunglasses b. raincoat c. umbrella

2. (there are some___in the sky.

a. clouds b. cloud c. a cloud

3does the rain come from?

a. how b. where c. what

4. (it’s windy. i __close the window.

a. can’t b. h**e to c. want

5. (look at __sun in the sky. a. an b. the c. a

6. (is there __vapour? a. some b. any c. a

7. (there is __water in the sea.

a. many b. much c. any

8. (where __the cloud come from?

a. do b. does c. is

9. (the weather report __it’ll be cloudy tomorrow.

a. tells b. talks c. says

10. (there are thirty __on the farm.

a. sheeps b. sheep c. cow

11. (it’s asunny sun day sunny day

12. (the balloon is __to the sky.

up down up

13. (the little water drop becomes __

a. higher and higher and taller

and longer

14. (some of his friends __down into a lake.

15. (people can’t live without (没有) food, air and __

c. vapour

16. (the plant needs __sun.

a. a lot b. many c. lots of

17. (she has __pencils. give this one to her, please.

a. not b. no c. some

18. (i am so

a. exciting b. excited c. interesting

19. (please wait __me. a. to b. about c. for

20. (my plant __two green le**es.

a. has b. h**e c. are

21. (where __the rain from? a. do b. is c. does

22. (can you tell me __water cycles?

a. what b. how c. where

23. (some of his __fall down into a lake.

a. friend b. friends c. them

24. (he doesn’t like singing, and he doesn’t like dancinga. either b. too c. also

25sun comes out. a. a b. an c. the

26. (i’m going to canada___several days. a. on c. near

27. (tom can jump very __a. tall b. low c. high

28. (the balloon gets __and bigger.

a. bigger b. smaller c. big

29the clouds come from vapour? a. are b. do c. does

30. (please make sure it gets __sun.

a. a lot b. many c. lots of

31. (there’re three __near our school.

stores stores store

32. (how___your father go to the park? a. does b. do c. is

33. (tom and other __like playing football.

a. student b. students c. classmate

34. (can i go witha. they b. sh c. them

35your mother busy tonight? a. is c. does


36. 你是**人?where do you

37. 她不是一名工程师。shean

38. 蒸汽如何变成云的呢?

can vapour become

39. 水是如何变成蒸汽的?

40. 雨是由云变来的。the rainfrom the

41. 自然公园里有许多的植物和花。

there’re many __and __in the nature park.

42. 飞机飞得越来越高。the plane fliesand

43. 然后你该做什么。

44. 雨来自云。the __is from the

45. 我们打算本周末去旅行。

we’re going to __athis weekend.

46. 他每天早上浇花。heevery morning.

47. 蒸汽是来自河里的水吗?

does vapourthe water in the river.

48. 我该不该写封信给他呢i write a __to him?

49. 我的笔友不是销售员。my pen pala

50. 今天下午你打算去旅行吗?

are you going to __a __this afternoon?

51. 请记住交通规则。please remember the

52. 我爸爸喜欢看报纸。my father likes

53. 这个工程师打算去买些明信片。


english weekend homework for grade six nov.5th,2010 nov.7th,2011 by miss ou name class 家长签名 作业要求 1.每天用所学的英语进行口语练习。2.背诵第5单元的课文及听写单词。3.认真完成本次练习卷,以上要求如能按...


english weekend homework for grade six sept 24th,2011 sept26th,2011 by miss zou nameclass 家长签名。作业要求 1.放假期间每天朗读课文 unit 1 unit 3 时间不少于30分钟,并背诵老师所要求的部分 2...


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