
发布 2020-07-25 07:14:28 阅读 4349

六年级英语阶段性调研练习 2014.4

请阅卷老师根据学生书写情况勾选附加分值: □a: +6 □ b: +3 □ c: 0 □ d: -3


) 1. how far is your home from the train station?

a. three hoursb. about 3 kilometres away. c. threes times.

) 2. what’s his telephone number?

a. 苏e78795b. 0512-63571518c.

) 3. what’s your f**ourite fruit?

a. coffeeb. applesc. fish.

) 4. how many days are there in february?

a. twelveb. thirty or thirty-one. c. twenty-eight or twenty-nine.

) 5. what can we do on the internet?

a. chattingb. buying thingsc. a,b and more.

) 6. does your brother like growing flowers or flying kites?

a. growing flowers. b. yes, he doesc yes, he likes growing flowers.

) 7. may i come in, miss li?

a. yes. come in, please. b. yes, you can. c. sure. here you are.

) 8. which city is near suzhou?

a. beijing. b. shanghai. c. guangzhou.


) 11grandfather is the old mana. who's b. whose

) 12. listen! the birda. sings b. is singing

) 13. don't late againa. is b. be

) 14. please turn right the third crossing. a. on b. at

) 15. who isd**id or liu taoa. thiner b. thinner

) 16. who can help with their english? a. them b. they

) 17. how many does a monkey h**e? a. foot b. feet

) 18. the notebooks in the desk a moment ago. a. are b. were

) 19. mike to a party yesterdaya. goes b. went

) 10. he goes to school by busa. every day b. everyday


) 1. look! wang bing is getting __the bus.

a. upb. forc. ond. in

) 2is it from here? —it’s __a kilometre away.

a. how far; about b. how long; only c. how far; along d. how many; only

) 3. —where’s shengze primary school? —it’s __de’er road.

a. inb. atc. ond. nearby

) 4. excuse me, how can i get __the cinema?

a. ofb. onc. ind. to

) 5. —who __higher, su yang or su hai? —perhaps su yang did.

a. jumpingb. jumpedc. jumpsd. jump

) 6. the monkeys do better __skating than the bears.

a. atb. inc. ond. with

) 7. i need some __with my homework.

a. helpsb. helpingc. helpd. helped

) 8. yang ling __a model ship at home last sunday.

a. makesb. madec. ******d. make

) 9. ben runsthan me. mike runs as __as jim.

a. faster; faster b. faster; fastc. fast; fasterd. fast; fast

) 10. —who speaksben or tom?

ben speaksthan tom.

a. well, well b. well; betterc. better; better d. better; well


1. she is good atdance) and shedance) beautifully.

2. my grandmothersee) a beijing opera(京剧) a week ago.

3. his milkbe) on the desk just now.

4. the policemanstop) the twothief) near that shop this morning.

5. gao shan readswell) than the other children inhe) class.



excusecan youme theto xinhua garden, please?


gothis street and turnat thecrossing.


you canbus no. 8the cinema.

六、按要求完成下列句子:(1~3题每空一词,每空2分,4~5 每题3分,满分18分)

1. su hai drank some milk last night.(一般疑问句及否定回答)

su hai drink any milk last night? no, she

2. i got my purse back. (改为否定句)

imy purse back.

3. there was an old man under the big tree. (改为复数)

there___some old___under the big tree.

4. any; h**e; does;he; or; sisters; brothers (?连词成句)

5. office; the; to; want; to; go; i; post (.连词成句)


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