
发布 2020-07-25 07:10:28 阅读 6274


短语积累:work hard 努力工作 walk very slowly 走得非常慢 run fast 跑得快

swim very quickly 游得很快 in fact 事实 rest for a short time 休息一会儿。

more than= over 超过 get to the finish line 到达终点 in seven days 七天后。

a few times every night 每晚几次 one week later 一周后。

le**e the radio on 让收音机开着 be good at 擅长

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 most animals 绝大多数动物。

how long can they live? 它们能活多长时间?

how long 多长时间 how often 多久一次 how many 多少个。

how much 多少钱 how old 多少岁。

1did you stay here? 你在这儿呆了多长时间?

2do you often visit your grandparents?


3students are there in your class?


4is your new watch? 你的新手表多少钱?

5is your father? 你的爸爸多大年纪?

i. 按照要求填空。

easy (副词quickly (比较级。

well (最高级safe (反义词。

early(比较级twenty (序数词。

ii. 单项选择。

1. karen can see really well. she’s got

a. eyes like a bee b. eagle eyes c. parrot eyes d. cheetah eyes

2. horses runthan cheetahs.

a. many more slowly b. much more slowly

c. most slowlyd. much slowlier

3. peter swim much faster than any otherin his class.

a. students b. student c. a student d. a students

4. many jumps better than most in her class.

a. girl b. girls c. a girl d. boy

5. i woke upthis morning than yesterday morning.

a. early b. more early c. earlier d. earliest

6live the longest.

a. whales b. turtles c. elephants d. people

iii. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. an eagle can see muchgood) than a person.

2. turtles walkslow) than snails.

3. whales live thelong).

4. hey! the bus iscome).

5. the clothes shop is on thetwo) floor.

6. i often practicespeak) english.

7. look over there. there are twopoliceman).

8. we should listencareful) to our teacher.

9. it’s goodeat) lots of vegetables.

10. my fathertake) me to shenzhen bookcity last saturday.



一二三,特殊记词尾字母“t d d”;

八去“t”,九减“e”, f”来把“ve”替,单词“ty”作结尾ty”变成“tie”,要是遇到几十几只变个位就可以!

六年级英语复习 上

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