
发布 2021-04-19 20:54:28 阅读 6548



unit 1 what are those farmers doing?


1. field 田the farmer is working in the field.

2. river 河;江i see many lovely ducks on the river.

3. grass 草they are cutting grass to feed the animals.

4. cow 奶牛uncle lin is milking the cow on the farm now.

5. sheep 绵羊there are a few sheep on the mountain.

6. goat 山羊there were some goats by the river before.

7. goose(geese)鹅the geese eat rice and give us meat.

8. feed(fed)饲养;喂养 every day linda feeds the goose after class.

9. give(g**e)给we give rice to the chickens and ducks.

摘he picks apples from the trees.

11. few 极少;几乎没有 i h**e few postcards, i should buy some.

12. a few 几(个、条……)we need a few stamps.

13. other 其他;别的do you h**e other pens in your bag?

14. if 如果you can drink some tea if you want.

二、词组。the farm 在农场上 the field 在田地里 trees 果树

grass 割草 the animals 喂养动物 many things很多东西。

flowers 种花 vegetables 种蔬菜 trees 栽树。

some apples from the trees从树上摘些苹果 you want 如果你想的话。

something to somebody 把某物给某人 lovely 看上去很可爱 the river在河上。


1. what are those farmers doing? 那些农民正在干什么?

they are cutting grass to feed the animals. 他们正在割草喂动物。

2. do you h**e any other animals on the farm? 你们在农场上有其他动物吗?

yes, we do. we h**e a few goats and pigs. 是的,我们有。我们有少量的山羊和猪。

3. you can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want. 要是你想要苹果或橙子的话可以从树上摘一些。

4. there are fruit trees in this field. 这块地里种了果树。

unit 2 a country life is a healthy life


1. country 农村i like living in the country.

2. life 生活i prefer country life, because it is very healthy.

3. grandparent 祖父(母)外祖父(母)my grandparents likes walking in the garden after dinner. 4.

上午i go to school at 7:50 every day.

5. milk(milked)**can you milk the cow?

6. ride(rode)骑xiaoling rode a bike to school after breakfast yesterday.

7. take(took)花费it takes me two hours to do my homework.

8. still 仍然it’s 11:00 but i still h**e much work to do.

9. help…with…在…(方面)帮助 your mum is tired, please help her with housework.

在……(方面)帮助 he often helped his dad wash clothes two years ago.

11. air 空气we need clean air and fresh food.

12. healthy 健康的a country life is a healthy life.

13. busy 繁忙的i don’t like the busy city life.

14. plenty of 大量的there are plenty of fruits on the table.

15. fresh 新鲜的fresh air is important to us.

16. minute 分钟it takes jim 20 minutes to go to the park.

二、词组。1. live in the country住在乡下 2. wake up醒来 3. milk the cow给奶牛**。

4. ride a bike骑自行车 of 大量的;充分的 6. plenty of exercise充分的锻炼。

7. more than ..超过。多余。 8. h**e much work to do很多活要干

9. finish my homework 做完作业 school 放学后 11. feed the chickens 喂鸡。

12. feel tired 感到累13. help my parents with housework 帮父母做家务

14. every day 每天15. get home 到家 16. clean air 洁净的空气。

food 新鲜的食物 life 健康的生活。


1. it takes me about 40 minutes to ride to shcool. 我花了大约40分钟骑车到学校。

2. there are 48 pupils and only one classroom. 只有一个教室和48个学生。

3. we must all learn together. 我们所有人必须一起学习。

4. when i get home after school, there is still much work to do.


5. after i finish my homework, i feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.完成作业之后,我喂鸡和帮助我的父母做其他的家务。

6. i am always very busy but i never feel tired, because i h**e plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every day. 我通常非常忙但是我从不感觉累,因为我每天做大量的运动,呼吸洁净空气和吃新鲜的食物。

7. so i think a country life is a healthy life. 所以我认为乡村生活是健康的生活。

unit 3 where are you from?


1. city 城市a city life is a busy life.

2. student 学生there are 36 students in our class.

3. new york 纽约new york is the capital of the usa.

美国;美洲 america is far away from china.

5. quiet 安静的this is a quiet and wide street.

6. cheap 便宜的i think things in guangzhou are cheap.

7. modern 现代化的 shanghai is a big and modern city.


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短语复习。似乎没人觉得无聊。一个真正古老的地方。去山里。一百多年前中国商人的房子。在过去。上网。看牙医。使用互联网。的答案。对 有好处。多得多。与 一致。只要。比 更好。事实上。由 决定。在 做 某事中有影响。认真对待。到目前为止。有 相同。尽某人最大的努力。开展关于 的讨论。代替,替换。不仅仅是。...