
发布 2020-03-29 02:08:28 阅读 6082

english weekend homework for grade six

sept 24th,2011---sept26th,2011) by miss zou


作业要求:1. 放假期间每天朗读课文(unit 1 - unit 3)时间不少于30分钟,并背诵老师所要求的部分;

2. 认真完成本次练习卷;

3. 每天默写课后单词表所学过的词汇;

4. 以上要求都能按时完成,家长亦可签名。

一、 选择填空。

1. i want to buy some books. i can go to the __

a. park b. bank c. bookstore

2is the zoo?

---it’s next to the park.

a. how b. where c. when

3. excuse me, _there a library near here?

a. am b. isc. are

4. the post office isthe supermarket.

a. next b. near c. on

5. hainan is south __china.

a. from b. for c. of

6. can i __this bus to liuhua park?

a. by b. take c. to

7. go straight __five minutes.

a. of b. for c. from

8. the sun rises in the __every country.

a. west b. east c. north

9. if you’re ill, you can go to theand see a doctor.

a. school b. science museum c. hospital

10how can i get to the school?

a. i’m very sorry b. excuse me c. you tell me

二、 翻译题。

1. 与…为邻2. 在左边。

3. 到达4. 坐301公交车。

5. 我十二岁生日。

6.放学后7. 鞋店。

8. 下车9. 往前走。

10. 向右转11. a pair of shoes

12. for ten minutes14. walk east___

13. the white building on the left

15. where is the电影院)

16. where is the书店)

17. hainan is in the __南部) of china.

18. go一直) for about two minutes.

19. can i乘坐) a no. 11 bus __到)your home.

20. -这儿有一家超市吗?--有。

___there a supermarketyesis.

三、 根椐所给的中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。

( )1. 如果你是售货员,你问顾客想买什么,你会说:

a. welcome to my shop. b. can i help you? c. do you want?

2. 你想让别人穿上鞋子,你会说:

a. put away your shoes b. put on your shoes c. take off your shoes.

( )3. 你想知道同学放学后打算做什么,你应说:

a. what are you going to do after school? b. school is over.

b. what do you often do?

)4. 你想问芳芳几岁,你应说:

a. how are you? b. how old are you? c. when is your birthday?

)5. 你想向朋友祝加生日,你应说:

a. thank you for coming. b. happy birthday to you. c. i’m so glad.

( )6. 怎样邀请别人来参加你十一岁的生日晚会?

a. please come to my eleventh birthday party.

b. welcome to my home.

c. please come to my eleven birthday party.

7. 你跟将去昆明的朋友辞行,你应说:

a. goodbye and good luck.

b. please don’t go. c. buy a gift for me.

四、 用适当的词填空。

1. let’s go home togetherafter.

2. walk straight __five minutes.

3. is the bookstorethe left?

4. i want to __a pair of new sandals for my mom.

5. in england, you must drive on the __side of the road.

五、 阅读下面对话,并根据所提供的词的正确形式填空。

a: _me. _you like to go to the children’s center


b: that sounds good. how can we go

b: let me see. we can go __taxi.

a: oh, it’s __expensive. we’re just students. what about___foot?

b: _right, if you like. it’s __here.

a: okyou later.

b: goodbye.

a: excuse me. could you tell me the way(路) the post office.

b. sure. walk north twenty minutes and you can find the white building the right.

it’s between the shoe store and the supermarket. there is a bookstore front of the post office. it’s far here.

a: can i take a bus the post office?

b: yes, you can take a bus.

a: which bus?

b: the no.4bus. getthe post office.

a: thank you.

b: you’re welcome.


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