
发布 2020-03-29 02:10:28 阅读 3510

2024年秋六年级英语学生学业质量监控调测试题(建桥中心小学 )


) 1. a. late b. cap c. game d. grape

) 2. a. hi b. kite c. big d. ice

) 3. a. usually b. excuse c. duty d. umbrella

) 4. a. short b. draw c. watch d. strawberry

) 5. a. cool b. boots c. wood d. goose

) 6. a. dirty b. learn c. purple d. later

) 7. a. clear b. where c. bear d. hair

) 8. a. great b. grass c. grandpa d. glad

) 9. a. green b. great c. teacher d. peach

) 10. a. love b. movie c. whom d. do


1. which isbig ) the apple or the pear?

2. mike’s motherh**e ) a nice bag.

3. did you like __milk) cows, nancy?

4. thewoman ) are singing now.

5. teacher’s day is on septemberten).

6. i’dlike___buy)somepresents.

7. -isthisyourbike?


8. yang ling is achina) girl..

9. mr green is veryexcite).

10. i often help my mumdo) the housework.


1. doyoudothed___afterdinner?

2. there are tmonths in a year.

3. weshouldobey (遵守) thetrafficr

4. the kangaroo comes from a

5. we cook in the k

6. s___is hot and sunny.

7. hisbrotherisadoctorandheworksatah___

8. shanghai is a very big c___


10. the panda comes from china. its ffood is bamboo.


) 1. -h**e a nice weekend!

a. h**e a nice day! b. thanks. c. you are very kind. d. you too!

) cat is __and that one isa. mine; peter’s b. my; peter’s c. me; peter d. mine; peter

) 3. i am hungry, i want somea. bread b. hamburger c. milk d. tea

) 4. i h**e __new bikebike is over there. a. a; the b. an; the c. a; a d. the; the

) 5. there are __in our school

a. five hundreds students b. a five hundred students c.

a five hundreds students d. five hundred students

) 6. let me___you. a. helps b. help c. helping d. helped

) 7. this is the photo ofa. green family b.

a green family c. the greens’ family d. greens family

) comes __sundaya. after b. before c. behind d. in front of

) 9. he is going __nanjing __train. a. to; in b. to; by c. at; on d. /by

) 10your sister __in xingjiang? a. does; works b. do; work c. does; work d. do; works

) 11. peter __back home at seven yesterday. a. goes b. went c. go d. going

) 12. my uncle is very sad __his bike is broken. a. but b. or c. because d. of

) 13. tom’s grandparents are old. look, they are walking __a.

quietly b. slow c. slowly d.



goes to school by bike every day.(就画线部分提问he go to school every day?

2. miss li usually watches tv in the evening.(用"now"改写)miss litv now.

3. you mustn’t play in the street. (改为祈使句in the street。

4. this is a very expensive piano. (改为复数句子very expensive pianos.

5. tom has no brothers. (同义句转换) tomh**ebrothers.

6. jiu zhaigou(九寨沟) is very beautiful.(变感叹句jiu zhaigou it is!

7. there are some oranges in the basket. (变成否定句) thereoranges in the basket.

the umbrella to me,please.(同义句转换)givetheplease.

9. letusgooutforawalk. (改为反意疑问句)letusgooutforawalk

are english books.(改为单数句子english book.

六、用英文字母(a ,b,c,d,e ,f,g,h)的顺序重新排列下面对话(其中有三句话已给出序号)。(5分)

( )1. —i’d love to. when?

( )2. —good to see you too, bob. how are you?

( )3. —she’s very well. she wants you to come and h**e dinner with us.


六年级英语模拟测试卷。听力部分。一 listen and choose你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。听前抓紧时间把各选项浏览一遍,会让你选择时更有把握。每小题1分,共10分 1.a.t span c r r 10bc.2.abc...


2013 2014学年度第二学期六年级英语期末试卷。宝龙山镇第二小学 刘守印。一 下面每组单词的画线部分中,其中一个与另外两个的发音不同,找出来并把字母编号填在括号里。5 1.a.night b.nine c.did 2.a.sugar c.july 3.a.cloudy b.out c.cousi...


三 英汉互译。9分 right3.computer game4.bedroom 5.chinese teacher6.老师7.朋友8.书包。9.男孩。四 选择所给单词将句子补充完整,正确答案填在题前括号内。20分 name?a youb your c i h e eraser.a anb ac in...