
发布 2020-04-19 22:52:28 阅读 4596



一、下面每组单词的画线部分中, 其中一个与另外两个的发音不同,找出来并把字母编号填在括号里。(5′)

1. a. night b. nine c. did

2. a. sugar c. july

3. a. cloudy b. out c. cousin

4. a. here b. there

5. a. farmer b. bar c. warm


) 1. it’s hot summer in beijing.

a. in b. at c. for

) 2、she is going to with her friends tomorrow .

a、 dive b、 diving c、dives

) 3、 the two boys the same thing .

a、 doesn’t like b、don’t like c、aren’t

) 4、 is it far here?

a. from b. about c. for

) 5、 you a good time on your holiday ?

a. do , had b. did , h**e , had

) 6、 what amy and chen jie often do in the morning ?

a. does b. didc. do

) 7、 i’m sorry __hear that .

a. for b. toc. in

) 8your nose

a. do , hurts b. does, hurtsc. does, hurt

) 9. i can see __the duck.

a. a b. twoc.﹨

) 10 . what’s youri like listening to music.

a. name b. hobby c. job

三、情景反应。(10′ )

)1、how long is the great wall

)2、do you h**e any stamps from china?

)3、what do you like doing

)4、what do you do on the weekend?

)5、when is christmas?

a、i like painting . b、yes, i do.

c、i often help my mum.

d、it’s on the 25th of december.

e、it’s 5000 kilometres long.


1. 他假期里做了什么? 他爬山和吃美食。

he do on his holiday ?

heaand ate good food .

2. 你昨晚看电视了吗?不,我没有。

you tv last

no, i3.我的手比你的更大更长。

my areand longer than

4. 你的朋友的爱好是什么?她喜欢跳水。

what’s yourshe


going, thinner, do, swimming, sunday, shorter, friends, were, went, younger)

mike and john are goodmike is 164cm. he is 4cm

than john. john is 14. mike is only 12.

mike ismike is 3kg than theyhomework together on sundays. lastthey __hiking andtheyhappy. next weekend, they’reto the zoo.


are some birds in the sky. (变为否定句)

therebirds in the sky.

2. there’s a little dog under the tree. (变为一般疑问句)

a little dog under the tree ?

3. her shoes are white. (就划线部分提问)

are her shoes?

4. there’s a map on the wall. (就划线部分提问)

on the wall?

5. there’re twenty-five boys in the class. (就划线部分提问)

boys are there in the class?


1. how is it much (?

2. what f**ourite is food your (?

3. i my mother with visited grandparents my yesterday (.

4. are we plant tomorrow flowers to going (.

5. which you best do like season (?


one day mr. and mrs. white went shopping by car.

they stopped their car near a shop. they bought(买)a lot of things and they wanted to put the things into the car. but mr.

white couldn’t open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. the policeman was very friendly. he started to open the car for them.

just then a man came up and shouted(喊), what are you doing with my car?” mr. and mrs.

white had a look at the car’s number and they were frozen(惊呆了)there. it wasn’t their car.


六年级英语模拟测试卷。听力部分。一 listen and choose你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。听前抓紧时间把各选项浏览一遍,会让你选择时更有把握。每小题1分,共10分 1.a.t span c r r 10bc.2.abc...


三 英汉互译。9分 right3.computer game4.bedroom 5.chinese teacher6.老师7.朋友8.书包。9.男孩。四 选择所给单词将句子补充完整,正确答案填在题前括号内。20分 name?a youb your c i h e eraser.a anb ac in...


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