
发布 2020-03-29 02:12:28 阅读 3849

(介休) 2008—2009学年度第二学期六年级模拟试题(卷)






)1、 a . long b. lockc. alone

)2、 a . detective c. stupid

)3、 a . bird behind

)4、 a . across b. alsoc. athlete

)5、 a . sometimes c. suddenly



) 1. a. b.

) 2. a. b.

) 3. a.

b. ) 4. a.

b. ) 5. a. b.

v. 听音填词,读两遍。(10分)

1. tom likesprogrammes .

2. mike doesn’t likefilms .

3. emmadetective films.

4. tim doesn’t watchprogrammes.

笔试部分 (50分)


)1. what’s the time ?

it’s quarter __eight

a. past b. to c. half

)2. school starts __eight ?

a. at b. on c. in

)3. my sisterrings.

a. collect b. collects

)4animals can you draw in a minute ?

---five .

a how much b how often c how many

)5. a boy and a girl __riding horses .

a. is b. am c. are


( )that’s ok .

( )excuse me, where is the museum ?

( )the museum ? that’s easy . go straight ahead ,

then turn left .

( )the museum is opposite the park .

( )thank you .



a excuse me . b sorry . c bye .


a let’s go to the park . b how to go to the park ?

c where’s the park ?


a how are you today ? b what day is today ?

c what’s your f**ourite day ?


a can you help me ? b do you like noodles ?

c can i help you ?


a. thank youb that’s ok .

c great !


are you froma. she’s singing.

( )2. what’s that on the beachb. green

) is your fatherc. he’s fine.

) your f**ourite colord. canada.

) 5. what’s barbara doinge. a beautiful car

v. 故事很有趣哦,同学们快来欣赏(阅读理解)(15分)

today is sunday. some children are very busy. eve is riding a bike.

lily is buying a drink. mark is ****** a phone call. hannah is listening to music.

penny is watching tv. jack is fishing. john is swimming.

hans is reading a book. bob is flying a kite. alan is eating ice cream.

they are all happy today. they like sunday very much.


eve****** a phone call

lilyriding a bike


johnflying a kite

bobbuying a drink


1)who is listening to music ?

2)what is jack doing ?

3)is alan swimming?

4)who is reading a book ?

5)what day is today ?


同学们对自己朝夕相处的老师一定非常熟悉,对他也相当的了解,那不妨向大家介绍一下吧。请以“my teacher”为题(不出现真实姓名)写一篇小短文,不少于5句话,要求语句流畅,用词恰当。.

my teacher



1、 lily , h**e you got a mascot ? yes , a necklace .

2、 what do we need ? we need some pears .

3、 tom , what do you collect ? i collect stamps .

4、 excuse me , where is the hospital ? go straight ahead .

5、 what’s she doing ? she is flying a kite .


1、alone 2、interesting 3、bird 4、athlete



1、 the polar bear runs up the hill .

2、 the cartoon begins at nine .

3、 i go to bed at half past nine .


六年级英语模拟测试卷。听力部分。一 listen and choose你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。听前抓紧时间把各选项浏览一遍,会让你选择时更有把握。每小题1分,共10分 1.a.t span c r r 10bc.2.abc...


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