
发布 2020-07-25 07:21:28 阅读 4725


姓名得分。一、 英汉互译。

1.很久以前 clothes

3.做衣服 people

5.试穿 through the city

7.讲故事 hard

9.每位同学 next sentence

11.放风筝 clouds

13.看起来伤心 onto

15.干得好 away

17.丢了我的钥匙 up the tree

19.假期趣事 well

21.去钓鱼 rain

23.参观上海博物馆 some oranges

25.国庆节 letters to his friends

27.过去和现在 a sentence

29.全世界 the internet

31.朝窗外看 angry

33.交朋友 news***** for news

35.小心 on

37.远足 smoking

39.小心地滑 your juice into the shop

41.在饭店里 some noodles

43.许多标识 to school

45.是空气变脏 our city clean

47.植树 the metro

49.把垃圾放进垃圾桶 on the ground

51.去医院看病 a banana skin

53.把它捡起来 late

55.又乱又脏 from coal and oil

57.节约用水 down many trees

59.节约能源 day

61.保护地球 much plastic

63.制作一张海报 bad for

65.浪费水 a project

67.春节 dumplings

69.**烟花 me some red packets

71.在除夕 some new clothes and food

73.下周 parents

75.大年初二 dinner

77.继续 to the radio

79.一些工厂 a shopping centre



betty and kitty are twins. they’re 12 years old. they look the same.

but they h**e different hobbies. betty likes watching tv. kitty likes listening to music.

they both like reading books. betty likes reading storybooks. but kitty likes reading science books.

on sundays ,they usually ride bikes to the park. they can play with their friends. sometimes their parents go there too.

) 1. betty is kitty’s sister.

) 2. betty likes growing flowers.

) 3. kitty likes reading storybooks.

) twelve years old.

) usually take a bus to the park on sundays.

2. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案(5分)

tom, mary, nancy, john and yang ling are good friends. but their hobbies are different(不同的). tom likes playing football.

mary likes ****** clothes, and she can make pretty dresses for her doll. nancy likes growing flowers, and she looks after them carefully. john likes cooking.

he cooks nice food. yang ling likes collecting stamps, and her animal stamps are very beautiful.

) 1. what’s mary’s hobby?

a. cookingb. growing flowersc. ****** clothes.

) 2. who likes playing football?

a. tomb. johnc. tom and john.

) 3. how many hobbies does yang ling h**e?

a. threeb. twoc. one.

) 4. who looks after her flowers carefully?

a. maryb. nancyc. i don’t know.


1.冬季 2.四月 3.第三 4.无聊的 5.星期四 6.昨天7.更重的 8.清洁工 9.晴朗的 10.朋友 11.去滑冰 12.喜欢做风筝 13.帮我学英语 14.感谢你告诉我15.阅读杂志 16.骑自行车 17.弹钢琴 18.紧挨着医院19.放风筝 20.集邮 21.打扫他们的房间22.不要买礼...

小学六年级英语专项练习 作文

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