
发布 2020-07-20 12:24:28 阅读 4612



) 1. 你将自己的妹妹介绍给别人时,应该说:

a. she is my little sister. b. this is my little sister.

) 2. 你与某人初次见面时,应该说:

a. how do you dob. how are you?

) 3. 想介绍自己是中国人时,应该说:

a. i’m chineseb. i’m china.

) 4. 朋友送你一份生日礼物时,应该说:

a. thank you very much. b. sorry, i don’t like it.

) 5. 当别人对你的帮助表示感谢时,应该说:

a. you’re welcomeb. me, too.

) 6. 当别人赞赏你聪明时,应该说:

a. thank youb. yes, i’m bright.

) 7. 你想与好朋友出去散步,应该说:

a. shall we go for a walk? b. shall i go for a walk?

) 8. 你的朋友病了,你劝他吃药时,应该说:

a. don’t take the medicine. b. you’d better take the medicine.

) 9. 询问别人想吃什么时,应该说:

a. hellob. can i help you?

) 10. 当你不小心踩到了别人的脚时,应该说:

a. it’s doesn’t matter. b. i’m so sorry.

) 11. 别人对你说i’m so sorry.时,应该说:

a. that’s okb. my pleasure.

) 12. 接**你需要对方等待时,应该说:

a. hold the line, please. b. don’t go.

) 13. 打**你想找jack时,应该说:

a. may i speak to jack? b. this is jack.

) 14. 接**你想说你是mary时,应该说:

a. my name is mary. b. it’s mary here.

) 15. 当你想问别人去天安门广场的路时,应该说:

a. excuse me, can you tell me the way to tian’anmen square?

b. tell me the way to tian’anmen square.

) 16. 有人问你 how can i get to the hospital?时,应该说:

a. go down the street, then turn left. b. i can get to the hospital.

) 17. 当你的朋友说i’ve got a bad cough,应该说:

a. how are youb. i’m sorry to hear that.

) 18. 当你想知道对方怎么了,应该说:

a. what’s wrong with you? b. what’s matter with you?

) 19. 当你想告诉对方你不喜欢这件衣服时,应该说:

a. i don’t h**e this coat. b. i don’t like this coat.

) 20. 当你打**时想知道对方是谁时,问:

a. who are youb. who’s that?


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