六年级上册英语期末试卷 PEP

发布 2020-07-25 13:10:28 阅读 3981


班别: 学号姓名。



一、请听对话两遍帮amy选出她的同学所选择的交通工具。 (10分)

is2. in the morning,he goes to the university

abab.3. he likes with his students. 4. after working, he often


5.he goes to bed



四、你能帮她把短文补充完整吗? (10分)

hello, boys and girls! now i want to tell you many suggestions:

if you are very, very happy, you should calm down. if you’re angry, you should take a deep___andto ten. if you areyou should look on the bright side.

if you’re too fat , and you feelyou should eat more fruit and


五、read and choose(阅读对话,根据上下文,选择正确的句子,把字母编号填在相应的横线上。)(每小题2分,共10分)

a.where is the library? b.is it far from here? c.

is it near here? d. can i go by bike?

e. when are we going? f.

what do you usually do on sunday, sarah?

ab: i usually read books in yucai library.

a: oh, really

b:it’s behind the people’s park.

ab:no,it’s not far. it’s only 5 minutes’ walk

ab: sure, if you like. but you must remember the traffic rules.

a: of course. do you want to go to the library with me tomorrow?

b: that’s a good idea

a: at 3:00 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, ok?

b: ok. see you then.


)1. the park is west of the zoo and south of the supermarket.

)2. there is a bookstore behind the school.

)3. if you want to go to the garden, you

can take the no.10bus.

)4. if you want to go to the zoo from your

school, you need go south.

)5. the garden is next to the park and

north of the restaurant.

七。 完形填空 10分。

it’s a fine day. there __1___a cock (公鸡) in a tree. he is singing.

a fox (狐狸)comes to the cock and __2___hello, mr cock! nice to meet you.” hello,mr fox!

nice to meet you , too.” says the cock. “3___father is a good singer.

i think you can sing well, too. could you___4 __and sing a song for me ?”

certainly, listen!” the __5___goes down and close his eyes and begins to sing. the fox catches him __6___his mouth and carries him away.

people see this and cry ,”look! look! the fox is___7__ off our cock.

”then the cock says to the fox , hello, don’t you__8 __people are saying you are carrying their cock. “tell them, “it’s mine, it’s not yours.”the fox __9___his mouth and says, “it’s not yours .

it’s __10the cock flies away

)1. a. are b. is c. has d. h**e

)2. a. tells b. says c. speaks d. talks

)3. a. you b. your c. mine d. yours

)4. a. go up down c. come down d. stand up

)5. a. cat c. fox d. bird

)6. a. to b. with c. ond. by

)7. a. carrying b. taking c. bringing

)8. a. look c. speak d. listen

)9. a. closes b. smiles c. cries d. opens

)10. a. mine b. my c. you d. your


the seasons in australia are not like ours. when it is winter in china, it is summer there. australia is a southern(南部的)country.

it is in the south of the world. june, july and august are the winter months; september, october and november are spring; the summer is in december, january and february; and march, april and may are the autumn months. the north of the country is hotter than the south.

a very large part of (大部分)the country has no rain at all. the east coast has rain all the year. there are no dry(干燥的)months there.

the south-east winds(东南风)blow(吹)all the year. they bring rain from the sea. there is not much rain on the west side.

the south-east part of australia has summer rain from the south-east winds. they only blow here in summer.


六年级英语上册期末测验。姓名成绩。一 根据意思选出正确的单词。5分 1.图书馆a.hospital b.library c.cinema 2.地铁a.subway b.plane c.train 3.北a.eastb.south c.north 4.女演员 b.actress c.singer 5....

人教版PEP 六年级上册英语期末试卷

小学英语学习材料。金戈铁骑整理制作。人教版pep六年级英语上册期末试卷。一 看图写单词,开头字母已给出。10分 1.a2.n3.c4.p5.b 二 找出不同类的单词 10分 1.a.actorb.fatherc.teacherd.cleaner 2.a.cloudb.rainc.sund.seed ...


蛟河市2015 2016学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测。六年级英语试卷。试卷总分 100分,答题时间 60分钟 6.2 一 听力部分 共五道大题30分 听录音,选出与你所听到的句子中含有的单词或短语。5分 1.a.science b.bookstore c.cinema 2.a.on foot b....