
发布 2020-07-21 00:57:28 阅读 9011


命题人:渣津西堰小学熊水 )



一 、选出你所听到的单词的反义词(10分)

) 1. a. young b. tallc. thin

( )2. a. lightb. night c. right

) 3. a. westb. south c. north

) 4. a. downb. under c. on

) 5. a. stopb. same c. say

二、听问句,选出正确的答语 (10分)

)1. a. i go to the nature park on footb. sure, if you like .

can go by the no.5 bus .

)2. a. i am going to the post officeb. it’s next to the supermarket .

c. it’s very big .

)3. a. he’s going to to playing going to the bookstore.

going at 8:00 .

) i go to school on like collecting stamps.

am going to the hospital .

) he is ****** a is a teacher .

is a policeman .


1.__at a red light ,go at a __light.

2.—where is theit’s __to the library .

3.—what’s youri like __a bike.

4. i’m going to __a __tomorrow .

5.—what’s __you do then ?—water the __



)1. a. singer c. teacher

) here b .where d. how

) train b. by c. bus d. bike

) swimming b. sing c. playing d. writing

) book b. look






(完全形式10. by (同音词)__


)1. _can i get to the zhongshan park ?

a. whereb. howc. what

) straight __five minutes ,it’s on the left .

forc. on

)3. i am going to play __football, amy is going to play __violin .

a. the , the b. /thec. the ,

)4.__where is the post office ?

a. excuse meb. sorryc .hi

) am __university student ,my brother is __engineer .

a. a , anb. an ,an c. an ,a

)6.—does your father go to work by bus ?

a. yes ,he doesn’t b .yes ,he does c .no, he isn’t

) likes __and___

a. swimming , driving b. swimming , driveing c. swimming, driving

) teaches chinese ,what does she do ?

a . she’s a singer b. she is an actress c. she is a teacher

)9. -are you going to beijing ?-this afternoon.

a. where

)10 .where does the rain come from ?

a. it comes from the cloud .

b. it comes from the vapour.

c. it comes from the water in the river .


) is the science museum ?

) do you go to school ?

) you then .

) does your sister do ?

) you like ****** kites ?

a. goodbye

b. yes, i do .

c. she is an actess .

d. it’s next to the bank .

e. on foot .


1. next going to what sunday do are you ?(连词成句)

is a tv report .(针对画线部分提问)

3. does lily teaches english ?(否定回答)

is going to write a letter .(用now 改写句子)

5. 打扰一下,请问中山公园在**? (翻译成英文)

九.阅读短问,选择正确的答案 。(10分)

my name is amy .i am a student , usually i go school on foot, sometimes i go to school by bike ,because i like riding a bike .my father is a doctor ,he likes reading news*****s .

my mother works in school , she teaches math .she likes collecting stamps . they go to work by bus .

i am a happy girl and i love my family .this weekend we are going to visit my grandparents.

) is amy’s hobby ?

a . reading news*****s b .collecting stamps c .riding a bike

)2. where does amy’s father work ?


3eud教育网百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!强湾中心小学2006 2007学年度第一学期。六年级英语期末试卷。学校 姓名 成绩 i.听力部分。一 听写单词。20分 二 听上句,选择正确的下句。10分 it comes from the vapor.b.it comes from the...


2012年秋学期六年级英语期末模拟试卷。总分 60分考试时间 100分钟。一 看图写单词,开头字母已给出。10分 二 找出不同类的单词 10分 1.a.actorb.fatherc.teacherd.cleaner 2.a.cloudb.rainc.sund.seed 3.a.classroom b...


亲爱的同学,通过小学一年的学习,你一定掌握了许多知识,学会了许多本领,请抓紧时间认真做这份试卷,相信你一定会成功的!2011 2012学年度第一学期。六年级上册英语期末考试试题 卷 一 choose the correct answer 根据字母提示选择填空 5 1l nea 九 b 直线 c 我的...