
发布 2020-07-16 10:23:28 阅读 8681


1、单词:healthy 健康的 strong 强壮的 before 在…之前 after 在…之后 bad 坏的 next 下一个 often 经常 exercise 锻炼 minute 分钟 hour 小时 high 高 health 健康 first 首先。

2、短语:healthy and strong 健壮 h**e breakfast 吃早餐 last week 上周 on tuesday morning 在星期二早晨 how often 多久 before breakfast 早餐之前 wash her hands and face 洗她的手和脸 brush my teeth 刷牙 work hard 努力学习 get up 起床 twice a week 一周两次 do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业 clean one’s bedroom 打扫某人的卧室 do exercise 做运动;锻炼 water the flowers 浇花 deaf and blind 又聋又盲 couldn’t see anything 什么也看不见 get angry 变得生气。

3、句子:wants to be healthy and strong.

句型:主语+want(s) to be +形容词。

2.--how often did danny and kim h**e breakfast last week?

---danny had breakfast once last had breakfast six times last week.

句型:--how often +did/do/does +主语+动词原形+其他+时间?

---once/twice/three times a day/week.

3.--what is exercise?

---riding a bike is exercise.

句型:--what is exercise?


4.--how many minutes do you walk?

---about five minutes.

句型:--how many+名词复数+do/does +主语+动词原形?


5.--jenny,do you think it’s important to work hard?

---yes,i do.

句型:--do you think +it’s+形容词+to do sth?

---yes,i do./no,i don’t.

keller was born in the in 1880.

句型:主语+was/were born in +国家+in+年份。

couldn’t speak at all.

句型:主语+can/could not +动词原形(+其他)+at all.


ming has breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.

bad for his teeth.

washes her hands and face,and then she brushes her she has breakfast.

often does danny eat vegetables and fruit?

learned to speak ,read and write.

5、语法:how often 句型:该句型是询问动作发生的频率的特殊疑问句。常用一般现在时或一般过去时。

句型结构:--how often +助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?


twice两次 ;three times三次;once a week一周一次;three times a week一周三次;once a year 一年一次。


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