
发布 2020-07-25 15:59:28 阅读 5119


7、i always h**e my umbrella on a rainy day.我总是在下雨天带着雨伞。

here comes the school bus. 校车来了。

do you always go to school by bus? no, sometimes i ride my bike.


do you walk to school? no, i never walk. 你步行上学吗? 不,我从不步行。

jenny often goes to school by bus. sometimes she rides her bike. she never walks.


8、where are you from? i am from china. 你来自**?我来自中国。

what subjects do you h**e in your school? we h**e english, math, science, art…

你们学校有什么科目? 我们有英语,数学,科学,美术。

how many classes do you h**e each school day? 你每天在学校有多少节课?

three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 上午三节下午两节。

9、how’s the weather today? it’s rainy and cool. 今天天气怎么样?多雨且凉爽。

what’s the temperature? it’s 15 degrees. 温度是多少?15度。

what’s the temperature now? it’s 100 degrees.现在温度是多少?100度。

what’s your temperature, li ming? it’s 36.5 degrees. that’s a healthy temperature.

你的体温是多少,李明?36.5度。 那是一个健康的温度。

what’s the chicken’s temperature? it’s temperature is 41.5 degrees.

鸡的体温是多少? 41.5度。

the chicken is ill. it is not ill. 鸡生病了。 它没有病。

the temperature of a healthy chicken is always 41.5 degrees.鸡的正常温度总是41.5度。

10、this is one pencil. these are many pencils. 这是一支铅笔。这些是铅笔。

this is a box. these are many boxes.这是一个盒子。这些是盒子。

this is a bus. these are three buses. 这是一辆公交车。这些事三辆公交车。

this is a tomato. these are many tomatoes. 这是一个西红柿。这些是西红柿。

this is a potato. these are many potatoes. 这是一个土豆。这些是土豆。

this is a photo. these are many photos. 这是一张**。这些是**。

this man is old. these men are young. 这个男人很老。这些男人很年轻。

this woman is dancing. these women are singing. 这个女人在跳舞。这些女人在唱歌。

this child is walking. these children are playing.这个孩子在走路。这些孩子在玩。

these words h**e no s. these words h**e an s. 这些单词有s。这些单词没有s。

do you see an s or an es in these words?你能在这些单词里看到s或es吗?

11、do you do your homework? yes, always. let’s put an a for always.

你做你的作业吗? 是的,我总是做。 让我们用a表示总是。

do you help your mother? yes. i often clean the floor. let’s put an o for often.

你帮助你的妈妈吗? 是的,我经常擦地板。 让我们用o表示经常。

do you walk to school? yes, sometimes. let’s put an s for sometimes.

你步行上学吗? 是的,有时。 让我们用s表示有时。

do you wear dresses? no! i never wear dresses. let’s put an n for never.

你穿连衣裙吗? 不,我从不穿连衣裙。 让我们用n表示从不。


第二单元重点。一 按要求写成语。1.情况紧急 迫在眉睫燃眉之急千钧一发火烧眉毛。2.形容有秩序 井然有序秩序井然井井有条有条不紊。3.时间短暂 顷刻间一瞬间一刹那眨眼间。4.时间快 光阴似箭日月如梭白驹过隙岁月如流。5.表示 看 1 瞟盯瞧瞥 2 眺望俯视浏览瞻仰。3 东张西望左顾右盼虎视眈眈目不转...


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