英语 教科版 六年级上册第二单元重点

发布 2020-08-23 09:18:28 阅读 4676

unit 2

1. grandparent n.[c]祖父(母);外祖父(母)

grandma(外)祖母 grandmother(外)祖母。

grandpa(外)祖父 grandfather(外)祖父。

my grandparents live in the country.

2. milk v. **。

过去式milked 现在分词milking 第三人称单数milks

john has to milk the cows early in the morning.

3. ride v. 骑;乘。

过去式rode 现在分词riding 第三人称单数rides

ride bike/bicycle骑单车 ride horse骑马。

ride ship 坐轮船 ride train乘火车。

1)i can ride a bicycle, and i can drive a car, but i can not ride a horse.

2)he is learning to ride a bike.

4. take v. 花费+时间/金钱;拿;携带;搭乘。

过去式took 现在分词taking 第三人称单数takes

take a cup of tea拿来一杯茶 take a drive坐汽车出游 take a train乘火车。

take a long time 花费很长的时间。

1) it takes a lot of money to live in that city.

2) the trip takes about an hour and a half. 旅程花费一个半小时。

3) how long will it take me to get there?

4) she took her children to the park yesterday.

5) i take a train to the country.

5. still adv. 仍然。

1) although she felt ill, she still went to work.

2) although he is eighty, he is still very much alive.

3) when i get home after school, there is still much work to do.

6. help… with… 在… …方面)帮助。

help somebody with something帮助某人做某事。

1) i feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.

2) do you need some help with those bags? here, let me take the two large ones.

7. air n. 空气。

in the air在空中 clean air洁净的空气 cold air冷空气 fresh air 新鲜的空气。

1) the fresh air in the morning made him feel happy.

2) there is a bird flying through the air.

3) i am always very busy but i never feel tired, because i h**e plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every day.

短语搭配:live in the country 住在乡下。

milk the cow 给奶牛**。

plenty of 大量的;充分的。

get home 到家。

h**e much work to do 很多活要干。

feed the chickens 喂鸡。

help my parents with housework 帮父母做家务。

plenty of exercise 充分的锻炼。

fresh food 新鲜的食物。

wake up 醒来。

more than 超过,多余。

ride a bike 骑自行车。

after school 放学后。

finish my homework 做完作业。

feel tired 感到累。

every day 每天。

clean air 洁净的空气。

healthy life 健康的生活。


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