Myfriend 六年级写作课教案

发布 2020-05-27 19:42:28 阅读 7091




1、书面语言的组织运用。2、单词句子的正确使用与书写。教具准备:多**课件教学过程: talk

1) t: hello! everyone!

my name is liang fuxia. you can callme "miss liang".this class i am your new teacher.

now let's meet each other, ok?ss: ok!

2. warming-up(1) eg:

what's your name?how old are you?how tall are you?

how he**y are you?what colour do you like?which season do you like best?

what’s your f**ourite food / fruit / animal / book / class /…how do you go to school?what's your hobby?what can you do at home?

what do you often do on the weekend?

2) i know something about you. i think we are friends now. yes?

(3) every one has friends.(ask and answer)do you h**e any friends?who is your friend?

is your friend here? 1: survey

1)t: you all h**e some friends. i think you are all kind and friendly. yes?

2)now i h**e some questions for you. (给学生发调查问卷,同时课件出示问题。)'s your friend's name?

his / her name your friend a boy or a girl?my friend is old is your friend?he / she is __years old.

4. what’s friend like?

he / she istall , short) andstrong , thin). he / she isactive, quiet).5.

what colour is your friend like?he / she likes

6. which season does your friend like best?he / she likes __best.

your friend’s f**ourite food?his / her f**ourite food your friend’s f**ourite class?his / her f**ourite class does your friend go to school every day?

he / she goes to can your friend do at home?

he / she does your friend like doing?he / she likes

does your friend often do on the weekend?

he / she oftenandon the weekend.(3)学生完成调查问卷。 2group speaking

1)ask the questions one by one.(每个问题问三四个学生,边问边用课件出示答句提示。)my friend is a ..

his / her name is ..he / she is ..years old.

he / she is ..and …,he /she is …he / she likes …(colour)he / she likes ..season) her f**ourite food is…his / her f**ourite class is….

he / she goes to school...he / she likes …(doing)he / she can …at / she often ..on the weekend.

2)great! your answers are all very well. now please introduce your friend in thegroups.

(学生在小组内用英语交流) 3 : show

每小组派一个代表到台上介绍自己的朋友,可以拿着老师发的调查问卷上去说。在学生说的过程中老师注意纠正学生语法、造句方面的错误。 4: writing




write a passage, introduce your father, mother, uncle or your aunt.


又一堂写作课。今天下午的写作课上,老师开始指点我们怎么样才能够写好一篇作文,让文章显得有声有色。突然,他转了一个话题,说 我知道,现在的学生学得生动活泼,多种多样,所以,我知道你们不但喜欢写作,而且喜欢画画 唱歌 吹笛 今天 听到这儿,我不由得紧张起来。噢,每一个班级推选一位学生到黑板前去画画。于是...


年级 六年级作文类型 议 作文字数 写作。我渴望写作。读书并不是我的最爱,但我却很热衷写作。我很喜欢一些作家,譬如鲁迅 舒婷等等。而文笔使我最为欣赏的则是一位画家 几米。几米称不上是一位作家,但我却很欣赏他的语言。从来就没有格式,也没有框架的语言,总是让我感到他的坦诚与淳朴。我想,机密的一词一句或许...


一 语言积累 鲁迅名言 1 时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。2 使一个人的有限的生命,更加有效,也即等于延长了人的生命。3 有天才,我只是把别人喝咖啡的工夫都用在了工作上了。4 不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。谦以待人,虚以接物。名言运用 6 本单元表达鲁迅先生珍惜时间的句子是。7 鲁迅先...