
发布 2020-03-31 14:38:28 阅读 3190


1.__旅游) by train is cheap and __快的,迅速的). so she often __旅行)by plane ?

boy is __戴)a hat and working in the __田地)

3. what’s his aunt’s工作)?

classroom is big and __明亮的)

5.__各个,各自的) of the __外国的)can speak a外语).

old men are上车) the train . they’re going to长城).

girls are友好的) and __有帮助的). they are our good __朋友)

people come from不同的国家).

four old __城市)in china .

10. i want to buy one and a half __公斤)of peaches.

the shop __买)school things?

dress isn’t __便宜的). it’s __贵的).i’ll not take it .

wang can make many kinds of___机器).

___花费)me two hours __步行)there .

is going to the菜市场) to buy some onions .

a __桥)over the river .

you like to go there by __火车)or by轮船).

don’t like to go to america by乘飞机)

20多久) does it take you做)your homework .

can’t __做)morning exercises. but she is good at做)kites.

blackboard is very __干净的,清洁的)

grandpa often __讲) me some故事) about the tower.

yang has a __问题,难题).he is often late for school .may i ask you some __问题)?

25. how many __花园)are there in your school?

26. the old woman can’t脱下)her clothes .

___通常)listens to the __**)in the evening , but (有时候)__she __看)tv.

brother is a __士兵,战士)and he can __驾驶)a car .

some men __**)in this __医院).

邮局) is near our school .

31..my father wants赚更多的钱) .

ill. you must take these __药).

students are visiting some big __工厂).

much are the __土豆)and __西红柿)?

day we eat three __一餐饭).they’re breakfast, lunch and supper.

like交朋友)in the uk.

37. miss fan教他们/我们/他/她/我/你) japanese.

is the第一)day a week .

at those tall建筑物).

40澳大利亚)is in the south of china澳大利亚)speak english.

the washroom跟随)me ,please.

___旅馆)are near the supermarket .

your __name (姓名)

people in加拿大) speak english and french .

h**e many __票,券).i can give your some .

water in the __湖) is clear .

you __带来,拿来)your picture books to school ?

48does jim h**e any __字典) ?

i __借)some money从)you ?

50.__明天) is wednesday .

children are拍照) in the park .

windows are __开着的).they aren’t __关) .don’t __关)them .it’s hot today .

uncle is a __厨师). he’s good at __烧菜)

the boy’s parent’s are交谈) the teacher.

55. can he __写) english words ?


kite is __高)in the sky .

58. the __高)boys are my __兄弟)

59. _游泳)is my f**ourite sport .

doesn’t like骑) a horse .because it’s not __容易的)

61. don’t __投,掷)the yo-yo likes that .

you __饿) or __口渴)?

63. i h**e three __片,块)of bread every day .

a fine day for __步行)

you h**e any小刀)

twin often goes __商店) on sundays.

father and mother are __医生)

68多少) chicken do you want ?

69多少) sheep are there on the hill

want to go to wuhan for my假期).

mother asks him传递)the ball to her .

!the cat is __抓) a bird .

must __学习)from comrade lei feng .

74 i __学习) in aide foreign language school .

___口) of the bottles are too small.

76. she进行体育活动)after class every day .

77二月)is the second month of a year.

78. i often go to bed at a一刻钟)past eleven

your homework仔细地).

of us有) a电脑) in my office .

___别的) can you see in the dark room ?

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