
发布 2020-03-28 11:10:28 阅读 1059

unit4 then and now

part a let’s talk (page 34)



1)能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:guest, changed, hill, star, americans, look up, on the internet, one day, in my time.

2)能够运用“there be”结构的过去式句型“there was no library in my old school. /there was only one small building on a hill. /there were no computers or internet in my time.


3)能够运用日常交际用语“tell us about your school, please. /could you see stars at night?/ the americans took about five days to get there in 1969.

/i looked it up on the internet. ”并在现实生活中正确应用。



1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“there be”结构过去式句型的表意功能。

2)学会有关“there be”结构的过去式句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。






教学重点。1.句型:there was no library in my old school.

there was only one small building on a hill.

there were no computers or internet in my time.

2.词汇:guest, changed, hill, star, americans, look up, on the internet, one day, in my time.

3.“there be”结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用。


2.“there be”结构的过去式句型在现实生活中的具体应用。


教学过程。step 1:warm-up


2.listen to a song “i went to school one morning ”.有两个目的,一个是活跃课堂气氛,另一个目的是歌词中有许多动词过去式,可以帮助学生加强记忆动词的过去式。)

3. guessing game


you can read books in it. what is it?

it was a library.

you can play football in it. what is it?

it was a playground.

you can play computer games in it. what is it?

it was a computer room.


there are many different things, for example, now there are beautiful garden, computers, playground, music room, art room in our school. but there were not in the past. we were yong yesterday, but today we are older.

we were quiet some days, but we are active . now we will learn our class. “then and now”.

5.板书课题 then and now

step 2 presentation

t: do you want to know something many years ago?

ss: yes.

t: now we will learn “let’s talk”. open your books at page 34.

1. 学习let’s talk

1)t:read the dialogue and answer the question “what was grandpa’s school like?”,you h**e 3 minutes.




star,easy, look up,internet,different, hill, building

there was (no) …

there were (no) …

there was no library in my old school .

there was only one small building on a hill.

there were no computers or internet in my school .

the americans took about five days to get there in 1969.

2. free read. 三分钟学生自己读let’s talk.

教师巡视。****,过去与现在的对比,there be 句型的练习。


picture 1. he was a little boy. he are older.

picture 2. there was no classroom. there are classrooms.

picture 3. there were no computers many years ago.

there are many computers now.

step 3 consolidation and extension

1. pair-work .观察两幅**,找出过去与现在的不同,练习there be 句型。


there is a …

there are …

there was a …

there were …

2. draw and talk.三分钟。

what was your school like five years ago?

what is it like now?

draw and talk.

step 4 homework


2.听录音,熟读课本 p34 let’s talk 内容。


4.用there be 句型自编对话。

step 5 emotional education



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