
发布 2020-03-21 12:42:28 阅读 8095





)1、what’s this?

it’s a .

.door b.window c.board) 2、what’s this?

it’s a .

.floor b.book c.picture) 3、what can you see?

one. seat b. desk c . light)4、there are desks and chairsin the classroom.

a. many b. much c . no. 同学们,下面一句子顺序被打乱了,你能按正确顺序给重新排列吗?

go ② a look ③ and ④ let’s ⑤ h**e正确顺序为:


a. _at b. _oor c. _ook d. _gg e. _pple


1the doora、扫地。

2the floorb、挂图画。

3the picturec、擦黑板。

4the boardd、开灯。

5the lighte、开门。



ba:nice to meet you, zhang hua !

ba:ann, we h**e a new classroom.aba:look! we h**e six new lights.

b:oh, this is my new desk.

ab:it’s near the door.




例:( a )p c t r ea. i,u) 1. c m p t e r a. a,u) 2. wa. all c. ete

) 3. f__na. e c. a

) 4. f

. 看图写单词)


1. good morninga. 看这张画!

2. look at the pictureb. 好主意!

3. clean the boardc. 早上好!

4. good idead. 擦写字板!

5. good jobe. 好的!

6. all rightf. 干得好!


)1. good morninga. it’s so nice.

)2. look at the pictureb. it’s near the window.

) 3. where is my seatc. all right.

) 4. let’s clean the desksd. good morning.


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