
发布 2020-03-21 12:43:28 阅读 7927


there is a floor in the classroom. 教室里有一块地板。

there is a snail in the box. 盒子里面有一只蜗牛。

there is a cat on the desk.桌子上面有一只猫。

there is a dog under the chair. 椅子下面有一条狗。

there is a mouse behind the curtains. 窗帘后面有一只老鼠。

there is a rabbit in front of the door. 门的前面有一只兔子。

there is an apple on the floor. 地板上有一个苹果。

there are four windows in the classroom.教室里有四扇窗户。

there are six curtains in the classroom. 教室里有六片窗帘。

there are eight lights in the classroom. 教室里有八盏灯。

there are two boards on the wall. 墙上有两块黒板。

where is the snail?蜗牛在**?

it’s in the box. 它在盒子里面。

the snail is in the box. 蜗牛在盒子里面。

where is the snail?蜗牛在**?

it’s on the box. 它在盒子上面。

the snail is on the box. 蜗牛在盒子上面。

where is the snail?蜗牛在**?

it’s under the box. 它在盒子下面。

the snail is under the box. 蜗牛在盒子下面。

where is the snail ?蜗牛在**?

it’s behind the box. 它在盒子的后面。

the snail is behind the box. 蜗牛在盒子的后面。

where is the snail ?蜗牛在**?

it’s in front of the box. 它在盒子的前面。

the snail is in front of the box. 蜗牛在盒子的前面。

where are the snails?这些蜗牛在**?

they are in the box. 它们在盒子里面。

the snails are in the box. 这些蜗牛在盒子里面。

where are the snails?这些蜗牛在**?

they are on the box. 它们在盒子上面。

the snails are on the box. 这些蜗牛在盒子上面。

where are the snails?这些蜗牛在**?

they are under the box. 它们在盒子下面。

the snails are under the box. 这些蜗牛在盒子下面。

where are the snails ?这些蜗牛在**?

they are behind the box. 它们在盒子的后面。

the snails are behind the box. 这些蜗牛在盒子的后面。

where are the snails ?这些蜗牛在**?

they are in front of the box. 它们在盒子的前面。

the snails are in front of the box. 这些蜗牛在盒子的前面。

how many windows are there in the classroom ?教室里有多少扇窗户?

four. 四扇。

there are four windows in the classroom. 教室里有四扇窗户。

how many doors are there in the classroom?教室里有多少扇门?

two . 两扇。

there are two doors in the classroom. 教室里有两扇门。

how many lights are there in the classroom?教室里有多少盏灯?

eight. 八盏。

there are eight lights in the classroom. 教室里有八盏灯。

how many boards are there in the classroom?教室里有多少块板?

two. 两块。

there are two boards in the classroom.教室里有两块板。

how many curtains are there in the classroom?教室里有多少片窗帘?

six. 六片。

there are six curtains in the classroom.教室里有六片窗帘。

how many floors are there in the classroom ?教室里有多少块地板。

one. 一块。

there is one floor in the classroom.教室里有一块地板。

what colour is the door ?这扇门是什么颜色?

red. 红色的。

it’s red. 它是红色的。

the door is red. 这扇门是红色的。

what colour is the board ?这块板是什么颜色?

black. 黑色的。

it’s black. 它是黑色的。

the board is black.这块板是黑色的。

what colour is the curtain ?这片窗帘是什么颜色?

pink. 粉色的。

it’s pink.它是粉色的。

the curtain is pink. 这片窗帘是粉色的。

what colour is the light ?这盏灯是什么颜色?

white. 白色的。

it’s white. 它是白色的。

the light is white. 这盏灯是白色的。

what colour is the window?这扇窗户是什么颜色的?

blue. 蓝色的 。

it’s blue. 它是蓝色的。

the window is blue. 这扇窗户是蓝色的。

what colour is the chair ?这把椅子是什么颜色?

green. 绿色的。

it’s green.它是绿色的。

the chair is green. 这把椅子是绿色的。

what colour are the doors ?这些门是什么颜色?

red. 红色的。

they are red. 它们是红色的。

the doors are red. 这些门是红色。

what colour are the boards ?这些板是什么颜色的?

black. 黑色的。

they are black. 它们是黑色的。

the boards are black. 这些板是黑色的。

what colour are the curtains ?这些窗帘是什么颜色的?

pink. 粉色的。

they are pink. 它们是粉色的。

the curtains are pink. 这些窗帘是粉色的。

what colour are the lights ?这些灯是什么颜色的?

white. 白色的。

they are white. 它们是白色的。

the lights are white. 这些灯是白色的。

what colour are the windows ?这些窗户是什么颜色的?

blue. 蓝色的。

they are blue. 它们是蓝色的。

the windows are blue. 这些窗户是蓝色的。

what colour are the chairs?这些椅子是什么颜色的?

green. 绿色的。

they are green. 它们是绿色的。

the chairs are green. 这些椅子是绿色的。

is there a floor in the classroom? 教室里有一块地板吗?

肯定回答:yes, there is .是的,有。

否定回答:no , there isn’t. 不,没有。

is there a snail in the box? 盒子里面有一只蜗牛吗?

肯定回答:yes, there is .是的,有。

否定回答:no , there isn’t. 不,没有。

is there a cat on the desk?桌子上面有一只猫吗?

肯定回答:yes, there is .是的,有。

否定回答:no , there isn’t. 不,没有。

is there a dog under the chair?椅子下面有一条狗吗?

肯定回答:yes, there is .是的,有。

否定回答:no , there isn’t. 不,没有。

is there a mouse behind the curtains? 窗帘后面有一只老鼠吗?

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