
发布 2020-03-20 21:07:28 阅读 2360

四年级上册unit3 my friend

part a let’s learn说课稿。

hello , everyone. today i ‘m very glad to talk about my teaching idea. and it includes eight parts.

一、 analysis of the teaching materials

1. this lesson is a learning lesson. the teachers should develop the students abilities to use the language.

一) teaching contents.

pep primary english book three unit 3 part a

二)teaching aims.

1. knowledge aims:

1)the students are able to grasp the adjectives such as :“strong, thin, tall, short, quiet, friendly.”

2) the students are able to use the sentence structure,“his /her name is…, he/she is…”

2. ability aims:

1) develop ss’ basic ability of listening and speaking.

2) the students are able to use the sentence structure

she/he has…, his /her name is…, he/she is…”

3) the students are able to study in groups and cooperate with others.

3. emotion aims:

1) educate ss’ spirit of cooperation and competition.

2) educate their good study habits.

3) moral education: love your friend, treasure your friendship.

三)teaching importances and difficulties

importances: the use of the main sentence pattern“…has..,is…”,the use of the adjectives.

difficulties: the difference in the use of the“…has…

is..”(四)teaching aids

a recorder, pictures, presents for the students

二、analysis of the students

1. ss of grade 4 h**e learned english for about 2 years.

2. they h**e learned some about the sentence pattern “…has…, it is +adjective.

三、teaching methods

1. task-based learning methods.

2. cooperative learning.

3. tpr learning.

4. communicative learning.

四、learning methods

1. chanting

2. guessing game

3. pair work and group

五、teaching procedures

课前准备:t: hello, hi , let me introduce myself.

today i’m your new teachers. i ‘m miss chen. i hope we’ll be the friends.

ok? so today we’ll learn unit 3.

t:(出示单词卡片friends )齐读 “friend”将friend卡片贴在黑板上。

t: unit 3 is my friends.(板书)

齐读课题:unit 3 my friends.

up1. let’s chant

2. magic words.

who has big eyes? do you know? i h**e a friend.

she has big eyes, she is tall and thin. she is a teacher.

so introduce your teachers. i want to make friends with them. ok?

设计意图:通过热身,说magic words的环节,唤起学生已有知识,为学习新知识做好了准备)

ii.提出任务:make an introduction of a teacher.

设计意图:我为miss chen 介绍班里的老师,要介绍他的身体特征和性格特征。采用任务型教学途径,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。

有个信息差,我到他校, 我不认识其他老师,请做介绍。)

iii. presentation

he is… his name is…

练习strong 和thin .单词卡片、…is strong. …is thin.

3.出示女生**, 并询问学生,引出quiet和friendly. active.

t: look, who’s she? her name is… …is thin.

i think she is also quiet. say after me. quiet.

出示另一位女生**…is quiet? no, active. active(不要多练)

4、look and say

t: good, look there is a words tree.


look, …is …and ..操练所有形容词)


三、practice and consolidation

1. listen, circle and make a riddle

t: great , let’s guess about the boy and girl. now listen, tick and make a riddle, ok?

show me the little *****. listen and circle in this line.

ss listen to the tape twice.

t: can you tell me your answer?

s: she is ..so we chant) 用幻灯片打出与课文chant


编唱歌谣。__is my friend.

she is a cute, cute girl.

she’s short and thin.

she’s a cute ,cute girl.

look at the boy. can you make a chant in your group? let other group guess who he is.

now make a riddle

s1: he is a boy.

s2: he is thin

s4: he is tall.

t: who’s he? guess.

s: he is...make a chant)(改编)不用课本的了。

设计意图: 借助listen, circle and make a riddle 题型,对chant 部分进行创造性地改编,引导学生自创歌谣,既培养了学生实际运用语言的能力,又锻炼了学生合作学习的能力)。


1. complete the task

good, do you remember our task. help me make an introduction of your teachers.


t: after class, you can talk about the features with your friends. love your friends, treasure your friendship.

we are friends. the teachers are our friends, too. stand up and say“goodbye friends”,ok?

ss: goodbye friends.

六、总结。1. discuss in groups:

2. moral education: love the friend, treasure the friendship.


七、作业。1、 draw a picture of your friend and chant about it.

2. listen to the tape.



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