
发布 2020-03-10 13:30:28 阅读 1676


module 12 traditional life


1、知识与技能:掌握本模块中关于传统习俗的词汇;掌握表示“命令、禁止”的情态动词的用法,学会用情态动词表达自己的态度和观点;能够听懂介绍中国习俗的听力材料;能够谈论某地的风俗习惯或规章制度;能够读懂语言材料大意,了解英国及其他一些国家和地区的某些习俗;能够使用must , mustn’t , can 写出中国某些习俗。




情态动词must / can 的用法。

unit 1 we must wait and open it later .


a. watch the video of the text.

b. listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them.

a. baseball cap b. chess set c. chocolate d. chopsticks

e. dictionary f. *** g. purse h. soap


a. label the pictures with the words given in the box.

baseball cap; chess set; chocolate; chopsticks; dictionary; ***; purse; soap

what present do they buy for lingling?

possible answers:

b. listen and check what you must do in china according to the dialogue.

1. open a present when you receive it

2. use both hands when you accept a present

3. wrap hongbao in red *****

4. wrap hongbao in white, blue or black

5. do cleaning on the first day of the chinese new year. (

6. cut your hair at spring festival

7. break something at spring festival

8. eat lots of dumplings at spring festival

c. complete the sentences with the words in the box.

accept; immediately; lucky; remember; strange; tradition; wrap

1. when you do somethingyou do it now, not later.

2. before you give someone a present, youit in *****.

3. when someone gives you a present and you take it, youit.

4. it's important tothe birthdays of family and friends.

5. visitors to china often find our customs very

6. red is acolour in china.

7. it's ain china to give presents at spring festival.

d. listen and repeat the questions and answers.

when must i open it?

you must open it now.

must i use both hands?

yes, you must.

what must i do at spring festival?

you must eat lots of jiaozi!


a. make a list of things you must and mustn’t / can’t do in the situations.

at home: you must wash your hands when you enter your home.

at the dining table: you mustn’t talk with food in your mouth.

at school: …

b. work in groups . in turn , say the things you wrote in activity 7 .

who has the longest list ?


a. 选择填空:

1. "must i come before eight o'clock?" no, you __

a. can't b. don't c. mustn't d. needn't

2. i forbid you to write down on the book.

= you __not write down on the book.

a. dob. will c. needd. must

3. ─could i borrow your dictionary?

─yes, of course you __

a. might b. could c. cand. should

4. the children asked whether they __go for a swim.

a. were able to b. can c. could d. may

b. 单词拼写根据下面各题中文提示和句子的意思,写出恰当形式的英语单词,每空格只写一个单词。

1. he began to play国际象棋)with his father at 5 .

2. i called my mother立刻) after i heard the news .

3两者)he and i are ready for the test .

4. where is my coat ? i悬挂)it here just now .

5. you must接受) your friends’ advice .

6. in china , most people use筷子) to eat .

7. it is a better way to wash your hands with肥皂) .

8. i h**en’t收到) lucy’s letter recently .

9. ─who打破)the case ? it was me .

c. 完成句子:

1. 认真听他人说话是礼貌行为。

it is good mannersothers carefully.

2. 用双手拿杯子,否则你可能会打碎。

carry the glass , or you may break it .

3. 在中国,新年的第一天你不可以打扫卫生。

in china , youcleaningof new year .

4. 离开聚会时,你必须向朋友道别。

you mustwhen you le**e a party .


1.情态动词must and h**e to

1) 两词都是'必须'的意思,h**e to 表示客观的需要, must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。

my brother was very ill, so i had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事)

he said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)


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