
发布 2024-03-28 05:25:13 阅读 3398

第三课时 sectionb 1a-self-check










1. work cn. (**,艺术)作品可数。

un. 工作;劳动;作业; 功课事,成果,产品;工艺品,针线活。

v. 工作,劳动,干活[(+at/on)] 机器等)运转,活动 work out 算出。

job cn. 工作

away v+adv. 结构。

3. 复习be made of/from 区别。

4. 复习 (a) few/ little 区别。

5. set up 建立 put up 张贴;举起 pick up 捡起 turn up 调大。

6. plan n./v. 计划 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 make a plan/ plans to do 制定计划做某事。

1. inspiration :n 灵感,鼓舞人心的人(或事物)

动词:inspire 鼓舞,激励 inspire sb to do sth 鼓舞某人做某事

2、creativity :n 创造力 creator 创造者,创建者 create: v 创造 creative : adj 创造性的。


1. it was a picture of a car on show. but john held it

2. the government introduced new___to stop smog from coal fires and the situation improved a lot.

3. —do you know how much she___the new mobile phone last week?

—maybe 900 yuan. i’m not quite sure.

4. i use to keep dogs for __but now i keep them as pets.

5. he is a hard-working scientist. he is doing __research now.

单选。you can see many his art __at the square in the city.

b. works c. job d. lesson

how does jack usually go to work?

2.—he __drive a car, but now he __there to lose weight.

a. used to; is used to walk b. was used to; is used to walking

c. was used to; is used to walk d. used to; is used to walking

scarf which is __silk___soft and com for table.

a. made from; feels b. made of ; feels c. made in; smells d. made up of; smells

4. now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they h**e __time to do exercise.

a. few b. little c. a few d. a little

5. unicefin 1946. it works to help children live a better life.

a. set up b. put up c. was set up d. was put up

6. —why are you so tired these days?

well, i h**e __homework to do.

a. too much b. too many c. much too d. many too

7. the zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors __smaller and smaller.

a. become b. are becoming c. is becoming d. h**e become

8. be quiet! i___my homework.

a. am doing b. h**e done c. do d. did

9. china is going to __a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.

a. put up b. set up c. wake up d. turn up

10. —what are you going to do this weekend, laura?

i __go to see the movie coming home, but i’m not sure.

a. must b. need c. might d. can

11. 我很高兴我能够好好利用我的兴趣爱好。

i am happy that i can

12. 拆毁比建造容易吗? is it easierthan to build up?

13. 那个年轻人去年创办了一家公司。

the young mana company last year.


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