
发布 2024-03-27 14:05:06 阅读 7076

unit 3my friends

checkout time&ticking time



3、根据学生情况适当进行拓展,如“再见”的多种表达方法、形容词tall, short,fat, thin等。【教学重点】



多**课件,头饰,**,导学单等。【教学过程】step 1 warm up1. greeting

t: hello, boys and hello, miss zhou.

t: good morning/afternoon,….依照实际情况和学生打招呼。)s1: good morning/afternoon, miss zhou.

t: nice to meet nice to meet you, too.2. cartoon show

act out the cartoon on page 21.3. free talk

t: good! look, who’s she?(ppt呈现或者**呈现。)ss: she’s miss li .

t: she’s tall. she’s thin.(教师要结合体态语进行人物特征类形容词的拓展和渗透。)she’s my friend.

who’s he?(ppt呈现或者**呈现。)ss: he’s liu tao.

t: he’s a boy. he’s short.

he’s my friend, too. who’s your friend? pleaseshow me.

you can say“he’s…he’s my friend./ she’s…she’s myfriend.”(板书主要句型he’s…/ she’s…)who can try?

s2: he’s/ she’s…he’s/she’s my friend.

t: oh, he/ she is…. 如果学生不能运用拓展的词汇,教师可以帮助学生进行语言输出,如she’s a girl.

he’s tall.等)t: hello,…

s3: hello, miss 2 revision1. review the letters

t: my friends miss li and her students are h**ing an english lesson now.

there are some exercises. can you help them?1) look and read.

t: what letters are they? if you know, stand up and read loudly.

(ppt**动画效果,字母快速闪过。或者教师快速出示字母卡片。)2)match the letters.

find your friend, then you can shake h. he’s my friend.(学生汇报,全班核查。

)s2(k):she’s k. she’s my friend.

3)write the letters.

t: you are good friends. let me take a photo for you.

(利用相机做拍照动作。)look! how nice!


t: now you can take photos with your friends. please write on your *****.

4)read and write.

t:you can write the letters very well. but liu tao has a problem.

you mustlisten carefully. then we can help him.

a. i’m sam. i h**e an ice-cream.(ppt呈现**,或者卡片出示,教师领读。)i’引导学生根据字母的读音写出所缺字母。)

b. he is joe. he has a jelly.

(教学步骤同上。)c. she is kitty.

she has a kite.(教学步骤同上。)5)ticking time.

t: good job! three stars means very good.two stars means good.onestar means not so good.how many stars h**e you got?

please tick onthe *****.(引导学生适时进行自我评价。)2.

sing the song

1)t: we h**e finished the exercises. the class is over. what does miss lisay?

ss: goodbye, what does liu tao say?ss: goodbye, miss li.

2. t: what others can we say?s1: bye-bye.

s3: see you next time.


bye-bye. see you. see you next you later.

(待会儿见。)see you soon.(过会儿见。

)see you tomorrow.(明天见。)

3. practice in pairs.(模仿miss li和liu tao进行话别,尽量使用新句子。

)4. sing the song together.(跟录音齐唱。

)step 3 point and say

classes are over. liu tao goes home. look, who is the man?

(卡片呈现人物头像,贴到黑板上。)ss: he is liu tao’s father.

t:onthewayhome, names?ss: no.

t: dad asks“who are they?”if i am liu tao , i’ll introduce my friendsto him.

look, he’s mike. he’s tall. he’s my friend.


t:now, it’s your turn. if you are liu tao, what should you say?

(引导学生先总结:介绍男生时用he’s,介绍女生时用she’s,还可以描述人物的特点等,板书tall/short/thin/fat。) in groups.

s1: dad, he’s wang bing. he’s a boy.

he’s short. he’s my dad, she’s su hai. she’s a girl.

she’s thin. she’s my dad, she’s yang ling. she’s a girl.

she’s my friend, oh, they are friends.(板书friends)

学生拿出人物头像,先在小组内练习,然后全班展示,将头像贴到黑板上,人物可以是学生自己或者班上的同学等。在活动过程中,教师应该鼓励学生描述的语句多一些,必要时可以用中文辅助。)step 4 consolidation

t:whatcanyoudoafterlearningthisunit?lookattheform.fromlearning this unit,we can talk about our friends.

we can use“he”and“she” star means not so good.who has got three stars?

t:we can say and write the letters h ,i ,j and k. can you do it? tick thestars.

t: how many stars h**e you got?step 5 say goodbye

sing the song.“see you”(改编歌词,跟着伴奏齐唱。)step 6 homework

1.用he或者she向爸爸妈妈介绍自己的朋友,每人至少三句话。2.抄写字母hh, ii, jj, kk各两排(8遍)。

3.小组合作,改编歌词,创作一首有关“再见”的歌曲,以下词句可能对你有帮助:bye. bye-bye.

see you later.(待会儿见。)see you soon.

(过会儿见。)see you tomorrow.(明天见。)


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