
发布 2024-03-19 01:45:14 阅读 4051


一.单词。run跑 arrive到达 walk步行excite 兴奋地 jump跳 sing 唱 dance跳舞 sorry 对不起look 看 see 看见 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 point 指向 picture** behind 后面 cry 哭 tired 劳累的 talk 谈话 whom谁 whose谁的 hungry饿的 thirsty渴的 fruit水果 water水tea茶 candy糖果 milk 牛奶 happy 高兴的sad难过的 drink 喝 eat吃 news*****报纸 fun高兴 find发现 draw 画 sleep睡觉 quick快速的slow慢的loud 吵闹的 quiet 安静的 some一些 a 一个an 一个 baby婴儿man 男人woman 女人 look看 see看见 point指 draw画画 man男士 woman女士 baby婴儿 some一些 now现在 man(复数)—men woman(复数)—women baby(复数)—babies



二短语:look at the blackoard看黑板sit down坐下 stand up 起立 go to beijing 去北京 want to do sth 想要做某事 go straight 直走 turn left 左转 ride a bike 骑自行车 walk=go for a walk步行 me,too我也是 arrive in+大地方 arrive at+小地方 look out of向外看 look out of the window向窗外看 on the train在火车上 draw a picture 画画 read a book=read books读书 sing a song唱歌 h**e breakfast吃早饭 look at 看 the baby’s mother婴儿的母亲。

a cup of tea 一杯茶 a glass of milk一杯牛奶。

a bottle of water一杯水talk to sb 与某人交谈。

read the news*****读报纸 play cards 玩牌。

h**e fun 玩的愉快 play with sb 与某人交谈。

go on a trip 去旅行 h**e a good trip 祝你玩的开心 how much多少钱 goodbye再见 don't worry别着急 look for 寻找 forget to do sth 忘记做某事 drive to sb 开车送某人去。

here you are给你 a red school 一个红色的学校。

3、词性。sit down(反义词)stand up boy(复数)boys

girl(复数)girls woman(复数)women

man(复数)men baby(复数)babies

don’t=do not 不 i’d=i would我想要。


现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作或事情时,(句子**现look, now, 或者问题是what are you doing ?时,要用到现在进行时。)

结构:主语+be(am,is are)+动词的现在分词(ing)

draw-drawing look-looking point- pointing

see - seeing sleep- sleeping dance- dancing

h**e - h**ing write – writing put- putting

sit- sitting cry -crying talk-talking

sing-singing run-running read -reading

play -playing swim-swimming eat-eating

go-going drink-drinking

5.句子( 注意划线的单词)

don’t run/jump/sing/dance

don’t sit down/stand up

sorry 对不起。

want to jump/run/dance/sing

5.- what are you doing?你正在干什么?

-i am reading a book.我正在读书。

is looking out of the window on the train. 詹妮在火车上向窗外看。

i see a banana. 看!我看见一根香蕉。

8. point at the woman. 指。

9. what is danny/jenny doing now?丹尼/詹尼正在干什么?he/she is singing a song.他/她正在唱歌。

is singing/dancing /reading?谁在唱歌/跳舞/读书?--i‘m singing/dancing/reading

you singing?你在唱歌吗。

-- am/ not

12. who is hungry?-i’m hungry

13. i’m not hungry/thirsty 我不饿/我不渴。

14. would you like some fruit?你想要一些水果吗? thanks

15. i would like an apple and an orange

would you like?i'd like some soup.


17. may i h**e some apples, please? 我可以吃一些苹果吗?

回答: yes, you may ./no, you may not.


18.请不要指。please don’t point.

19.这是谁?who is this ?

20.这是一位女士。this is a woman.

21.在火车上这位女士正坐在珍妮的后面。this woman is sitting behind jenny on the train.

22.是詹妮正在唱歌吗?is jenny singing?

23.婴儿正在做什么?what is the baby doing now?

24.婴儿正在哭泣。the baby is crying.

25.你想要喝些什么?what would you like to drink?

26.你想要一杯茶吗?would you like a cup of tea?肯定回答:yes,please.否定回答:no , thanks.

27.你想吃点什么?what would you like to eat?

28我想要一个橘子。i would like an orange , please.

26.谁正在笑?who is laughing?

27.坐在我后面的那个男人正在笑。the man behind me is laughing.

are they doing ?他们正在干什么?

- they are reading the news*****.他们正在读报纸。

is she/he doing?他/她正在干什么?

is playing cards with his friends


much is it ?他多少钱?-four yuan

四. some and a和 an

some and a和 an,使用时候要分清;

一般单数要用a,苹果橘子鸡蛋冰淇淋,an an 是例外;

两个以上或不可数,some some不要忘。

例如:an apple/orange/egg/elephant/ice cream


一用 a ,an, some 填空。

___apple __pear __juice __icecream

__soup __car __buses __tea

___pops __women___boypicture


liming's sister is three months. she is a__(girl , baby)

3i __some fruit. (look \ see)

4is it? (who\ what) it's danny. -would you like __milk? (a \some)

- thanks .


一 看拼音,写词语。pi n du n h l y y f ng sh j qi hu n j ng zh o p i d n y u j p zh q k k o zh u y u gu ng g k ng p ch ng z l y u w y n q sh s k o p n w i zh c...


一 看拼音,写词语。pi n du n h l y y f ng sh j qi hu n j ng zh o p i d n y u j p zh q k k o zh u y u gu ng g k ng p ch ng z l y u w y n q sh s k o p n w i zh c...


第一单元 语言积累。说得天花乱坠背得滚瓜烂熟饿得饥肠辘辘画得栩栩如生 唱得婉转动听看得眼花缭乱吃得津津有味跑得大汗淋漓。词语解释。贪婪 贪得无厌,不知满足。适宜 适合。知趣 知道好歹,不惹人讨厌。倾盆大雨 形容雨很大。饥肠辘辘 饥肠 饥饿的肚子 辘辘 车行声。肚子饿得咕咕直响。形容十分饥饿。白日梦 ...