
发布 2024-03-18 11:25:12 阅读 2488


一、选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。 (10分)

) 1. a. strong b. above c. beside2. a. many b. big c. between

) 3. a. bottle b. clock c. cool4. a. there b. is c. are

) 5. a. this b. where c. that


) 1. the rat(老鼠) is beside the box.

) 2. the rat is behind the box..

) 3. the rat is in front of the box..

) 4. the ball is between the dogs.

) ball is above the dog..

三。 单项选择题。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。 (15分)

) is a big bed, _a. to b. too c. two

) 2. -is the bike? —it is behind the door. a. where b. what c. who

) are __trees. a. lot of b. many c. any

) just moved into __old house. a. an b. a c. /

) is __garden. a. toms b. tom’s c. toms’

) a clock, two flowers and three books. a. is b. are c. am

) 7. my grandmother can __very well a. sing b. sings

) ball is __the bed and the plant. a. on b. above c. between

) 9. there __some books in my bag. a. are b. is c. h**e

) 11. i h**e __new room. a. i b. my c. me

) 12. there are three __on the table. a. a fish c. fish c. fishs

) 13. –is this your water bottle?--a.

yes, it is. b. no, it is.

c. yes, he is.

) 14. –is in the room?—there is a book and a where b. what c. who

) 15. the clock___on the desk. a. are b. is c. be


1. the picture is in the living room . 对划线部分提问)

2. the ball is above the dog. (对划线部分提问)

3. the, is, my, on, computer, desk ( 连词成句)

4. many, there, pictures, so, are ( 连词成句)

5. really, your, nice, is, room ( 连词成句)


)1. 询问对方的房间是怎么样的。该怎么说:__

a. what’s in the classroom? b. what’s your room like? c. where is your room?

)2. 如果你想说“多么漂亮的**啊!”,该怎么说:__

a. we’re late for school. b. please hurry! c. what a nice photo!

)3. 如果你想说“到处都是**和**应该怎么说:__

a. you look cool! b.

there are pictures and photos everywhere. c. the rooms are dirty.

)4. 如果你想说 “它们是我奶奶的植物”时,应该怎么说___

a. they’re my grandparents’ plants. b. they’re my grandmother plants.

c. they’re my grandmother’s plants.

)5. 如果你想说 “房子前面有一棵树”时,应该怎么说___

a. there is a tree behind the house. b. there is a tree in front of the house.

c. there is a tree front of the house.


)1. is this your bedrooma. i can see a bed.

)2. where’s your schoolbagb. yes, it’s under the table.

)3. is it under the tablec. it’s on the desk.

)4. what’s on the deskd. there is a water bottle, a book and a photo.

)5. what can you see in my roome. no, it isn’t.


1. really? what’s in the room?

2. there is a big bed, a new desk and a computer.3.

i h**e my own room now. 4. cool!

where is the desk? 5. it’s beside the bed.


)1. there are two rabbit

a b c d

)2. there is a english book on the desk

a b c d

)3. there h**e a clock

a b c d

)4. the room are very dirty

a b c d

)5. john h**e a ball on the floor

a b c d

九。根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。 10分)

this is a picture of robot’s room. there is a big desk. there are four pictures.

the closet(衣柜) is near the desk. many clothes are in the closet. there is a bike behind the door.

the basketball is under the desk. what’s on the desk? it’s a computer.

robot works with it. do you like robot’s room?

) room has a big table.

) desk is near the closet.

) bike is not in front of the door

) are many clothes in the closet.


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