
发布 2024-03-07 13:45:08 阅读 4626


4a unit 1 i like dogs

一、单词。like 喜欢 dog 狗 cat 猫 panda 熊猫 horse 马 tiger 老虎。

animal 动物 cute 可爱 fat 胖 elephant 大象 lion 狮子。

monkey 猴子 h**e 有。

二、语音。g [ g ]:bag dog get girl good


1. look at 看…

看我look at me看我的玩具狗 look at my toy dog

look at + 人/物(名词) 如:look at bobby. ∕look at this cat.

看。look + 标点符号 + 句子如:look , this is bobby. ∕look ! a bird !

2. ①these 这些 those 那些 (反义词)

these cats 这些猫those monkeys 那些猴子。

these + 可数名词复数/不可数名词:这些 this + 可数名词单数:这个。

these cats 这些猫this cat 这只猫。

3. toy 玩具:toy car 玩具小汽车 toy panda 玩具熊猫。

toy lion 玩具狮子 toy animals 玩具动物。

4. boys and girls = class同学们

5. cute = lovely可爱的a cute panda= a lovely panda 一只可爱的熊猫

6. it’s cute. =it’s lovely. 它真可爱。 how cute! =how lovely! 多可爱呀!

7. like 喜欢。

like + 可数名词的复数(s ):i like horses ∕ like dogs

用法 like + 不可数名词i like milk

like + this∕that + 可数名词单数:i like this dog ∕ like that cat

8. —do you like …?你喜欢…吗? (like 后面的可数名词用复数)

yes,i do. 是的,我喜欢。

no,i don’t. 不,我不喜欢。 (don’t = do not )

9. what are these? 这些是什么?

what are those? 那些是什么?

10. would you like…? 你想要……吗?

--would you like a pieno,thanks./yes,please.


1)、辨音题(判断读音是否相同,相同的在括号里打t ,不同的在括号里打f 。)

get (

pie (

cute (


at those toy动物). they’re interesting.

the dog is very可爱的).


4. look __看) these toy dogs.

5. do you like __lion)? no, i __do).

6. i likepanda).

7. would you like __一只) elephant?

8. a monkey is __the tree.

9. how many __tiger) can you name?


)1. would you like __egg?

a. abc. an

)2. look at these toy animals. _cute.

a. they’re b. it’s c. it is

)3. do you __

a. like catb. like monkey c. like lions

)4. —do you like pandas?——

a. yes, i don’t b. yes, i doc. no, i do

)5. —would you like a pie

a. yes, pleaseb. no, please. c. yes,a pie

)6. i __a cake here.

a. hasb. h**ec. no



)1. _this cat.

a. seeb. look atc. look

)2. —look at my t-shirt

a. yes, it is . b. they are nice. nice.

)3. —what___is my skirt? —it ’s yellow.

a. niceb. colourc. cute

)4. —this is for you

a. how nice. b .happy new year. c. thank you.

)5. look at these toy animals, _

a. boy and girls b. boys and girls c. boys and girl


)1. do you like cakes?

) would you like?

) you like a pie?

) at my dog.

) this a monkey?

) do you like?

) s nine o ’clock

) colour is the panda ?

) you are.

) is that?

time for bed

like a toy panda.

i don ’t

’s a toy monkey.


h. it ’s cute.

and white.

j. i like monkeys.


1. like , you , do , tigers (?

2. would , like , a , you , pie,bobby(,

3. like , this , i , dog , toy(.

4. at , that , fat , look , dog(.)

5. cute , are , fat , these , and , pandas(.)


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