
发布 2024-03-04 17:20:07 阅读 7923



1操场2.餐厅,食堂3. that



room___11.洗手间 room


16.看一看's 的原型18.在一楼。

19. b__ard( 写字板 ) 20. f__n(电扇) 21. w__ll(墙壁) 22.**。

23.讲桌24. 图画。


)1. —where is the tv room? —it’ s on the __floor. a. one b. first c. two

) to the __and read a booka、canteen b .library c. garden

) 3. this is __computer. a、myb.

) 4. the canteen isthe second floor. a、on b. at c. in

) 5. —is this the wallyes, is it. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is.

) isnew playground. a、ourb. usc. we

) 7. go to the __office. hand in your homework.

a、 teachers b. teacher’s c. teacher

) 8. go and a look. a. let's , h**e b. let me ,h**e c. let's , has

) 9. that is __computer room. a. you b. our c. i

) 10. is this aa. teacher’s office b. teacher office c. teachers office

) many are there in your class? a student b. students c. apple

) are eight in the library. a. lights b. window c. book






5、是的,它是。 不,它不是。


1. is the that library2. our classroom is that.

3. is this teacher's office the4. our to welcome school .

5. canteen is the first the floor on .

五、 read and choose(选择相对应的答句)10分

) 1. where is the computer rooma. there are forty-six.

) 2. do you h**e a canteenb. it’s on the second floor.

) 3. how many students are there in your class? c. yes, we do.

) 4. is this the art roomd. thank you.

) school is beautifule. yes, it is.

六、find the mistakes and correct(在每句的错误下划线并订正)12分。

1. is this your classroom2. that is a teacher desk

3. this is my picture4. yes it isn't

5. it is a lights6. on the one floor

七、 read and arrange (整理句子,组成一段对话) 10分。

wow! your school is cool!

no, it isn’t. it’s the music room. the art room is on the second floor.

look, this is my school.

oh, it’s so big. is this the art room?

thank you. look at the playground.


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