
发布 2023-11-17 14:30:03 阅读 5876

新版开心学英语四年级下册第一单元练习(1) 姓名。


1. cofife2. rlbirya

3. lahl4. diae

5. palyrgonud6. cohols

7. smcui ormo

8. lnuhc omro

9. rta moro

10. rtascehe’ fofiec

二、根据句子意思,选词填空。 gym teeth move touching people w**ing

1. the table is he**y . i can’tit over there .

2. there’s a bigin our school .

3. what’s lily doing ? she’sher hands .

4. how manyare there in your family ?

5. i brush(刷)myevery morning .

6. look ! tony’shis toes .


1. this is mysolcoh) .welcome !

2. we h**e a bigallh) in our school .

3. my sister candcean) very well .

4. look , these are oursffoiec) .

5. look , gogo iswradgin) a horse on the blackboard .

6. our school has threesymg) and lots ofcairsh).


1. idea i an h**e .(连词成句)

2. a teachers’ office there in school my is .(连词成句)

3. there is a lunch room in our school .(就划线部分提问)

4. there is an art room in our school .(就划线部分提问)

5. 你们学校有什么?(翻译)

五、以my school为题写一篇小作文。

新版开心学英语四年级下册第一单元练习(1) 姓名。


1. cofife2. rlbirya

3. lahl4. diae

5. palyrgonud6. cohols

7. smcui ormo

8. lnuhc omro

9. rta moro

10. rtascehe’ fofiec

二、根据句子意思,选词填空。 gym teeth move touching people w**ing

1. the table is he**y . i can’tit over there .

2. there’s a bigin our school .

3. what’s lily doing ? she’sher hands .

4. how manyare there in your family ?

5. i brush(刷)myevery morning .

6. look ! tony’shis toes .


1. this is mysolcoh) .welcome !

2. we h**e a bigallh) in our school .

3. my sister candcean) very well .

4. look , these are oursffoiec) .

5. look , gogo iswradgin) a horse on the blackboard .

6. our school has threesymg) and lots ofcairsh).


1. idea i an h**e .(连词成句)

2. a teachers’ office there in school my is .(连词成句)

3. there is a lunch room in our school .(就划线部分提问)

4. there is an art room in our school .(就划线部分提问)

5. 你们学校有什么?(翻译)

五、以my school为题写一篇小作文。


一 找出下列每组单词中不合群的单词,填序号。6分 2.to 4.room office 5.room room 二 根据英文写出中文或根据中文写出英文 20分 1操场2.餐厅,食堂3.that 4.花园 5.图书馆 office 9.体育馆 s的原型 11.美术教室 room 13.洗手间 room...


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