
发布 2023-11-17 14:30:03 阅读 6050


book 3 unit1—4)


part 1 听力部分。


)1. a. sundayb. monday c. friday

)2. a. thirstyb.

)3. a. tallb.

)4. a. your mother grandmother grandfather

)5. a. play basketball b. play badminton baseball

)6. a. go to school b. h**e a balloon a ball

)7. a. can i listen to musicb. can i borrow your ruler?

c. can i watch tv?

)8. a. it’s my mom’s birthday today. b. it’s not my birthday today.

birthday, mom.

)9. a. what do you do on tuesday? does he do on monday?

do they do on thursday?

)10. this? she? that?


) today. play soccer. monday.

)2. my birthday. sunday. my sister.

)3. i’m short. i’m tall. i’m thirsty.

)4. a friday. here you are.

)5. you can’t. welcome. c. yes, he is.

)6. it i’m not. he is.

)7. sorry. b. yes, they are. c. he’s my grandfather.

)8. it’s a ruler. b. no, it’s a rabbit. a stapler.



1、i like redballoon, balloons).

2、my birthday ison, in) sunday.

3what, what’s ) day is it today.

4、it’smom, mom’s) birthday today.

5、what’syour, you) name? my name’s bing.

6、are youhungry, thirsty)? yes, i am.

7、may iuse, borrow) your book? sorry.

part 2 笔试部分。

一. 单词归类。( 7分)


)1. h __gry

( )4. w_ _

( )5. th__ day

( )6. l__ ten a. is


play tall hungry use sunday can day)

1、are youno, i’m thirsty.

2i buy a book, mom? sure.

3、do they __the violin onyes, they do.

4、is your brother aboy? yes, he is.

5、what __is it today? it’s friday.

6、can iyour ruler, please? sure. here you are.


)1.当同学向你借用橡皮时, 你狠乐意借给他,你会说:

a. thank you very much. b. sure. here you are.


)2. 你想知道天空中飞的是不是鸟时,你会问同学:

a. is it a birdb. it’s a bird.

that? )3. 你想知道今天是星期几,你会问同学:

a. today is monday. day is it today?

play soccer on monday.

)4. 你想买本书,你会有礼貌地说:

a. do you like a i buy a book?

i use your book?

)5. 你想知道别人是否口渴了,你问:

a. are you you hungry?

c. are you thirsty?


a. do you play basketball on sunday? plays volleyball on sunday.

c. what do you do on sunday?


is not my is my birthday.

is my mom’s birthday.


you play basketball on tuesday? you play baseball on tuesday?

you play basketball on friday?


)1. can i use your ruler, please

a. you’re welcome. b. sure. here you are. i can’t.

( )2. what do you do___thursday?

a. inb. on

( )3. happy birthday

a. thank you. are, too. you are.

( )4. is he tall

a. yes, she is. he doesn’t. c. yes, he is.

( )5is it today? it’s thursday.

a. what day


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