四年级英语上册第一单元练习 2

发布 2023-11-17 09:20:05 阅读 1585



一. 看图连线。



二. 数字搭配。

1. 三盏灯2. 五只铅笔3. 八张桌子( )

4. 四把风扇5. 十幅图画6. 二十个苹果( )

7. 十三张椅子8. 十五台电脑。

9. 十九个朋友10. 十二个汉堡包( )

a. fifteen computers b. three lights c. twenty apples d. ten pictures

e. four fans f. nineteen friends g. eight desks h. thirteen chairs

i. five pencils j. twelve hamburgers

三. 对话连线。

1. let’s clean the classroomit’s nice.

2. good morninga board, two fans, six lights.

3. look at the picturegood idea.

4. where’s my sharpenergood morning.

5. what’s in the classroomit’s near the fish bow.

四. 找颜色搭配。

1.( door 黄色的门2window 白色的窗户。

3.( board 黑板4floor 绿色的地板。

5.( fan 蓝色的风扇6light 橙色的灯。

a.black b. orange c. blue d. yellow e. green f. white



a. hello, mikeb. we h**e a new classroom. c. let’s go and h**e a look.

2.开学了,你要想amy 介绍一位新同学叫mike.应该说:(

a. this is mike,our new classmateb. where’s our classmate?

c. nice to meet you!


a. we h**e 6 new lightsb. let’s clean the lightsc. it’s near the door.


a. thank youb. it’ s so bigc. it’s small.


a. let’s go and h**e a look. b. let’s clean the classroom c. we h**e a new classroom


1pencils can you see?

a. how b. what c. how many

2. i h**e twelve

a. books b. note book c. pen

3are you from?

a. where b. when c. what

4in your schoolbag?

a. where is b. what is c. how many


1. good morning, let’s clean the classroom

2. let’s clean the desks and chairs

3. it’s nice and clean. good job

4. look at the picture

5. let me clean the board. all right


chinese booknotebookenglish bookstory-book

schoolbagmath bookpencil-casetwenty



a.i h**e a new pencil. b. it’s black and white.

c. sure, here you are.


a. how many books do you h**e?

b. may i h**e a look?

c. i h**e many book.


a.may i h**e a look? b. i h**e a new story-book.

c. really? what colour is it?


a.sure, here you are. b. nicec. thank you.


h**e many books. an english book,a story-book.

colour is it

a panda. how nice

many books do you h**e

schoolbag is he**y


一 看拼音,写词语 16分 gu l y ji h ng gu n l ng zh ozh g n f ng x zh o y o ku n ku b w ng sh u hu fj ng j c n l n r ng sh zh ng ch o sh n m i 一 把下面的词语补充完整 7分 人...


三 选择 9分 1 最大的九位数与最小的十位数相差 a.1 b.1千 c.1万。2 最高位十万位是8,十位上是9,其余各位上的数都是0,这个数是 a 8009000b 800090 c 900080 3 下面说法正确的是 a.数位表从右起第五位是万b.一个十一位数,它的最高位是百亿位。c.42756...


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